Saturday 8 May 2010

C-ute Blog translation

Good afternoon絵文字
Maimi here絵文字

Yesterday’s dinner i ate my favorite絵文字 Gyoza soup絵文字絵文字
It was soo delicious絵文字

Today ~、22nd of april’s Blog entry i wrote

『Rookie is an annoying dog』 when i was talking about that…絵文字

That time i really liked dogs and always always wanted to
『Raise a dog絵文字』っAnd begged my parents、
『Who is going to look after it絵文字』and continuously objected 絵文字

One day we went past a pet shop
『Please let me go in and see絵文字』 i said while behaving like a spotlit child、
『This is an alternative for not being to Raise one 絵文字』I said this and we went inside絵文字

That time i was in my 4th year of studies

『Now’s my chance絵文字』、In the pet shop I started my attack of not moving in front of the dogs( ̄▽ ̄)b

Splendid strategy worked絵文字絵文字

After my parents watched、they lost to the cuteness of the dogs、and the shop assistant too pressed on by recommending絵文字

After a long time my wish was finally granted絵文字

The feeling of finally being able to raise Ruu-chan絵文字

I still do not have any room to raise it so i brought it to the shampoo絵文字

And this accident happened when we’re going back絵文字絵文字絵文字

『…Rookie do you need the toilet絵文字

『So from the park i alighted絵文字

…And at that second that Ruu-chan alighted……

And it fell off my legs、Pakara pakara it went…絵文字like a horse and espcaped絵文字絵文字

Left the park and went into the main streets絵文字
『This is bad絵文字絵文字』 I thought、Jack Russel terrier loves to move around 、it ran so quickly絵文字絵文字

I got on the car and chased , but we lost sight of it絵文字

Then i felt like my heart was frozen絵文字

In the nearby gas station『Erm, did you see such a dog around絵文字』 and asked…絵文字

『Rookie絵文字Rookie絵文字………Heyy絵文字 You call out too絵文字』My mother said and out of desperation『Rookie絵文字Rookie絵文字』I called out too……We kept searching over and over again the same roads….. until the sky was dark絵文字

Eventually we went to the police station and told them about the situation絵文字
Midnight, my mom and dad went to paste posters on Telephone poles絵文字
In our home━━━━it was silent with a heavy atmosphere flowing…
『Is rookie fine絵文字
I was extremely worried絵文字
『I might not be able to meet him again絵文字

With that thought、The next day the police contacted us絵文字

『We found the dog絵文字
…………Uwah、Thank god絵文字絵文字

Talking about where did it traveled to、It ran out of the park to the main streets、Made a turn from the gas station and went over to the bridge to the supermarket絵文字

Then a woman bringing a black Labrador kept close to it絵文字絵文字絵文字 Seems like cuteness grabbed hold of the woman’s heart 絵文字

The Lady said
『Wa, cute絵文字 I wonder if it has a home絵文字 While thinking about that、There’s a scarf winded on the neck、The owner must be worried絵文字 She thought and brought it to the police~(>▽<絵文字

Thank you very much, you are a very good person~絵文字

Thanks the person at the shampoo who winded the scarf on its neck絵文字
It was close! If i didn’t went to that place..絵文字

Ruu-chan was such a naughty and annoying dog, But now it is very smart絵文字(笑)

Well then specially for today、I’ve uploaded a picture when Rookie was young絵文字

By the way that is me wearing my childhood clothing絵文字絵文字

Leaving that aside、I’ve raised him into such a elegant child. Today too i brought Ruu-chan out絵文字
(He should be smart but he didnt look at the camera絵文字)

Sorry that it was so long絵文字
…The end絵文字

Maimi here~

From today lots of people will be starting to go to school and work 絵文字絵文字

Everyone you’ve worked hard for today絵文字(laughs)

Today’s morning Nihon TV ’s 「PON!」 aired…絵文字

Due to school Mai couldn’t be there絵文字
Everyone had their palms read絵文字

Then、A picture while at the dressing room絵文字
(I was the only one who changed my clothes early~絵文字)

By the way, One more picture is the souvenir that Chisato and her family got when they went to Mount Fuji絵文字

It looks like ramen delivery so cute絵文字絵文字
Looking at this way it’s melon bread you know~絵文字絵文字

Its delicious絵文字

Talking about that I didn’t realise something絵文字

Insects are making sounds during the night~絵文字

Before i slept i opened the window to allow the wind to come in、「ChiriChiri絵文字」Sounds they made and i heard it and it felt refreshing…絵文字

It seems like Spring has past and Summer has come…絵文字

Today’s night、please do not mind and try to listen絵文字

Then~絵文字Whats for dinner today~絵文字

Well then see you tomorrow絵文字

Nakky-special <3>Chisato

Good morning絵文字絵文字
First time i updated my blog in the morning( ̄∀ ̄)絵文字

People who are working Go Fight絵文字絵文字絵文字
Students who are studying try your best絵文字

Today’s warm too isn’t it~♪(*^∀’)
Today I’ll go with a Nakky-special \(☆o☆)/
Nakky’s fans are happy isn’t it絵文字絵文字Laughs

First picture☆It was taken when I was out playing with Nakky絵文字
First、Nakky came to my home in the morning絵文字
But、I couldn’t get up…
This keeps happening…Sorry Nakky絵文字
After that、After playing in my home for awhile we departed絵文字We took purikura 3 times in 1 day絵文字

It was soo fun絵文字

2nd picture ☆This is currently ℃-ute’s in the midst of the concert絵文字絵文字 The pamphlet ’s photograph shooting and we took a picture(゜∇゜)
3rd picture ☆This was when i went to Disneyland with Nakky絵文字
The picture、The pretty lady at this attraction took this picture for us(o^^o)絵文字
I want to go again絵文字

Well then、It was Nakky-special( ̄∀ ̄)絵文字
Let me know your impressions(laughs)



Nakajima Saki here絵文字
We’ll be doing Nihon TV’s「PON!」’s palm reading corner.絵文字

What should i say――絵文字

Currently、I’m at the dressing room doing make up絵文字

Okai-chan、In the middle of makeup――絵文字

Maimi-chan You’ve already changed your clothes絵文字
As expected of Leader, full of fighting spirit絵文字

Me and Airi slowly finished our make up絵文字
The bread that I’m eating was from Okai-chan the one she brought from Fuji-mountain絵文字

Today、Mai has school so she cant come絵文字
I want to be in high spirits for Mai’s Part!!!
Everyone please watch it絵文字絵文字

-Nakajima Saki-

Itekkiaa <3>Chisato

Good evening Everyone-(^-^*)/絵文字

Today、Our family went to Mount Fuji( ̄∀ ̄)絵文字

Its a bit disappointing, I wanted to go to the peak but i stopped at the 5th level Seems like I cant do it now…

I couldn’t go絵文字
Next time i want to get to the peak絵文字
So、at the 5th level my mother went to a Jinja shrine and bought some rosary絵文字 Its important( ̄∀ ̄)

Of course、Everyone in ℃-ute
I bought souvenirs for them絵文字

Today was enjoyable絵文字

Almost everyone would be starting work or school tomorrow, Please do your best alright絵文字

1st picture ☆Me and Fuji-moutain
2nd Picutre☆Asuna & chisato…Icecream
3rd picture☆Me and rosary

Baicha~ko everyone絵文字


Nakajima Saki here絵文字
Today、I’ve got 「Things i want to do」So i did them steadily絵文字

To play the Wii!絵文字
The truth is Nakajima is a gamer絵文字 But I’m not very good絵文字 I played with my younger sister。Its the first time I’m playing the software on wii、、、、絵文字

I really got caught in the Cow race絵文字

To go to the chiropractic!!絵文字
My spine is bad you know.絵文字
But its in good shape now絵文字

Family BBQ絵文字
It was delicious―――

And、There still lots of things i want to do, But thats all for today!
The rest is waiting at home絵文字

The face of my dog while we’re BBQ-ing絵文字
Today’s warm isn’t it絵文字
I ate Parm絵文字
On the top right is the Strawberry i ate during the BBQ絵文字
I didn’t grill it―ッッ

Today i put some Shoubou in my bath絵文字
Don’t fall sick絵文字 My grandmother told me!

-Nakajima Saki-

Childish day~

Good afternoon絵文字
Yajima Maimi here絵文字

I returned from my grandmother’s home and my relatives came to play絵文字

My cousin、earlier when we met we didn’t had the chance to talk to each other, After a long time we talked━━━━ a lot絵文字

My mother
『Do you want strawberries~絵文字
She asked
『No i dont』
『Then what do you like絵文字』 she asked again
『Chocolate bread』
Me :『Chocolate bread絵文字
Aunt :『He wants Plain bread (Shokupan)絵文字
…………Plain bread……Cute絵文字
Everyone laughed、My cousin too went 『kukukuku絵文字』and laughed絵文字

Laughing like that、made it more cute絵文字

Her shoulders are high and her eyes are slender and her teeth is very small…絵文字


I’ve been healed since morning絵文字

The next time i meet her i would be shocked at how much have she grownー絵文字

I’m looking forward 絵文字

Everyone today is the last day of Golden Week絵文字

Even though its already in the afternoon
The weather is good so please enjoy the rest of the dayー絵文字

Chao <3>Chisato

Everyone, Today too絵文字
You’ve worked hard(^-^*)/絵文字

Today at Kashiwa Takashimaya We did 「Bayfm」’s public recording絵文字絵文字
Thank you very much people who came絵文字絵文字
It was enjoyable(o^∀^o)

Then、Today I’ll introduce my favorite thing絵文字
that is…

“Hanabatake bokujo angel potato chips is extremely delicious
Its sweets絵文字
Talking about Hanabatake bokujo…
Raw Caramel絵文字

Both of them are delicious so please do try them絵文字
By the way 、All members of ℃-ute love it 絵文字

Then、currently in my family
We’re going to the karaoke絵文字絵文字


It’s so warm!!(Airi)


Good evening everyone~!

This is Suzuki Airi!

It’s warm today isn’t it!!!!
It was still cold just recently and yet,it seems like summer today~lol

That’s why I’m wearing this kind of plain clothes~
Suddenly it’s short sleeves!
A “Spring-like” dungaree shirt
Mai-chan is wearing Surf Kei after such a long time

(Surf Kei is like Visual Kei except that the trend revolves around surfers and the type of clothing they wear.)

Ah!For today,we carried on from yesterday’s event in Odaiba

We did 2 performances on an outdoor stage.
Although the first performance was still quite shady,
The sunlight was beating down on us directly during the 2nd performance!!!!
It was dazzling,and really warm~
After about 20 minutes onstage,I was strung by a mosquito!

The dressing room was so warm as well
Even with air-conditioning,the room temperature was 30 degrees!lol
I’m sweating so much ~
That’s why our manager went to buy ice cream for us!

In the photo,mine was green tea whereas Nakajima Saki-chan had mango flavor!
It was really yummy~!

Today I went for yakiniku with my family!!
I just love Hormone-yaki(barbecued cattle organs) so much these days!
There’s an abundance of collagen …
It’ll make my skin lively!lol

By the way,the hand in the photo is my father’s


Nakajima Saki here絵文字

Today、is very warm isn’t it絵文字
Everyone please do not forget to drink lots of water!絵文字

And, Currently i am
Into being an organic person絵文字
Organic cosmetics絵文字
But、abruptly entering the world of organics絵文字
ehhh、I don’t really understand anything絵文字

So i went to the shop to purchase a shampoo絵文字

Today i tried the organic shampoo, It felt good絵文字
But、it will take some time before the effects can be seen, I’ll report when the effects are visible!!
(Its not really necessary though(laughs))
Well, Please wait
My hair

My pet dog Lemon’s face when its worried(laughs)

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