Okamoto Keito & Chinen Yuri
Okamoto: Good evening, this is Hey!Say!7’s Okamoto Keito
Chinen: Good evening, this is Chinen Yuri
Okamoto: October is going to over in about a week
Chinen: So fast
Okamoto: It’s going to winter… winter soon. What kind of clothes do you wear during winter? Do you have any favorite [item of clothing]?
Chinen: Nope
Okamoto: No?
Chinen: Winter is yellow for me
Okamoto: Yellow? Don’t you have any favorite style? Like wearing layers?
Chinen: Well of course that’d be like wearing 4 layers!
Okamoto: or like a sweater?
Chinen: I think wearing 4 layers is the warmest and the best. Don’t you think you should care more about your body’s health than your fashion?
Okamoto: Yeah. I actually like scarves as well.
Chinen: So much that you even wear it with your school uniform.
Okamoto: It’d be November in almost a week so..
Chinen: Well, my birthday is in November
Okamoto: Yeah but it’s on the 30th
Chinen: Yup
Okamoto: Okay, then I’ll get you something.
Chinen: You’ll get me something? Don’t get any spiders because you like them.
Okamoto: Yeah, well maybe a unlimited pass to Takanozan
Chinen: What could that be? I wonder if there are such things. Well, let’s start
Okamoto: Yeah, let’s start
Okamoto: Continuing from yesterday’s show. We’d like to get to know more about Yuri’s true self today as well.
Chinen: Please enjoy until the end
Tell us Yuri kun!
Okamoto: We feature Chinen Yuri’s personal data the last time but today we’d like to get to know more about Yuri’s true self. 7 questions to Yuri, start! 1) What are you really into right now?
Chinen: You know how we are doing the radio shows? Well,…
Okamoto: Yeah we’ve doing this for a while
Chinen: Umm… You know how we use echoes a lot?
Okamoto: Yeah, we use echoes a lot even just now at “tell us Yuri kun” part
Chinen: It’s not really “into” but more “wanting to learn”. I want to learn how to echo just using my voice instead of using the echo effect
Okamoto: Oh…
Chinen: Tell us Yu…
Okamoto: Well well, later. Do it for us later, okay? Please tell us
Chinen: Gyoza!
Okamoto: Gyoza? Oh well, I’ll ask you later. Instead, what’s your least favorite?
Chinen: Umm… If I say it I think this radio show will take so many minute or even hours because I have so many.
Okamoto: Oh okay well your most…
Chinen: But I said this in a dramatic way so don’t think I have that many
Okamoto: Okay then, your least favorite food out of that
Chinen: Eggplant
Okamoto: Eggplant? Okay, then what is your favorite ride at an amusement park?
Chinen: a ride? Of course it’d that
Okamoto: That?
Chinen: Yeah, that
Okamoto: What, roller coasters? Bungee jump?
Chinen: Of course it’d be haunted house
Okamoto: Merry-go-around? Eh, you’re okay with haunted houses?
Chinen: Just normal
Okamoto: Oh well I’ll ask you later. Then, what is your favorite word/phrase?
Chinen: Umm… 愛と勇気と智/ Ai to Yuuki to Satoshi/ Love, Courage, and Satoshi
Okamoto: Umm… What do you do before you sleep?
Chinen: stare at the ceiling
Okamoto: Then, what is your favorite insect?
Chinen: Insect? I guess it’d be rhinoceros beetle
Okamoto: So it’s rhinoceros beetle…
Chinen: Yeah like any other person would say
Okamoto: Okay, here it goes. You said you are really into echoes or self-echo?
Chinen Yeah
Okamoto: Then say “Please keep supporting Hey!Say!JUMP” in echo
Chinen: I’ll show you how it’s done
Okamoto: Show us or let us hear it
Chinen: Okay “Hey!Say!JUMP …”
Okamoto: You said your favorite food was gyoza but when we went to a ramen place the other day. I asked you if you want to order some gyoza and you said no. Why?
Chinen: Well, that’s because if I wanted to eat gyoza, I’ll eat that as a main course. So I’d have to go to a gyoza place.
Okamoto: I see.
Chinen: Yup
Okamoto: Then, eggplants. Why don’t you like eggplants?
Chinen: I don’t like them
Okamoto: Eggplants? Umm… are you sure you’re fine in haunted houses?
Chinen: Of course
Okamoto: Are you sure?
Chinen: It’s more like I haven’t been to many haunted houses. I think it was wrong for me to have said that I like them. I guess it’s an attraction I want to go to the most.
Okamoto: Oh~. Then, do you want to go to one? To a one that’s really long like an hour?
Chinen: Yeah, it has to be really long like that
Okamoto: You’d go to one? Want to go with me? I might run away in the middle but do you still want to go?
Chinen: Yeah, sure.
Okamoto: Really?
Chinen: I’m not ganna let you go. I’m never going to let you go.
Okamoto: Ummm… let’s set your favorite phrase aside and thing you do before sleep…
Chinen: Why, why would you set that aside? Is “Love, Courage, and Satoshi” bad?
Okamoto: Satoshi? Oh, it’s Ohno kun.
Chinen: Yeah
Okamoto: You sure love Ohno kun
Chinen: Yup
Okamoto: It was Love, Courage, and Satoshi right? It’s my first hearing that ever
Chinen: Well no. My actual favorite word is just “Satoshi” but doesn’t “Love, Courage, and Satoshi” sound good? With all just one word per word.
Okamoto: Are they just one word per word? Oh I see
Chinen: Love, Courage, and Satoshi
Okamoto: Oh well. Umm… he answered 7 questions for us.
Chinen: Yup
Okamoto: I hope you know what kind of member Chinen Yuri is. That was “Tell us Yuri kun”. Please listen to a song for now. It is Chinen’s drama’s theme song. Hey!Say!JUMP’s new song, Mayonaka no Shadow BOY
Okamoto: It’s already time for us to apart. We are waiting for your mails for this show.
Chinen: The address is 105-8002 Bunka Broadcast Hey!Say!7’s show. The email address is jump@joqr.net. The email address is jump@joqr.net, jump@joqr.net. We’ll be waiting for many of your mails. This was Hey!Say!7’s Chinen Yuri and
Okamoto: Okamoto Keito
Chinen: Good bye~
Okamoto: Bye~ bye~
OMG!!! I'm sorry EVERYONE that I haven't done any radio transaltions for a LONG LONG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!
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