6th Radio Show (OA October 7th, 2008) 7th Radio Show (OA October 8th, 2008) Keito & Yuto Only
6th Radio Show
Okamoto: Good evening, this is Hey!Say!7’s Okamoto Keito
Nakajima: Good evening, this is Nakajima Yuto
Nakajima: I said it really loud because I didn’t want to lose to Keito
Okamoto: its fall now since today’s October 7th
Nakajima: It’s October! It is fall.
Okamoto: Yeah, that’s why my throat is starting feel dry/sore
Nakajima: Because it’s dry, right?
Okamoto: Yeah
Nakajima: Be careful, all right? Wear a mask
Okamoto: But I don’t really want to wear masks
Nakajima: Oh really?
Okamoto: It’s just that… You know when people notice you in the streets like “hey, look its Okamoto Keito” and they’d think “he’s wearing a mask, look how he’s trying to be a celebrity” kind of thing.
Nakajima: Oh~ they might think that way
Okamoto: Do you get it?
Nakajima: Well, I can’t say I don’t get it… But taking care of your health is important, too. So you should
Okamoto: Wear one for that matter
Nakajima: Yup. Hey, I want to go look at autumn tinted leaves.
Okamoto: Autumn leaves? What was that again?
[Nakajima used the word “紅葉” not very easy Japanese word]
Nakajima: Like scarlet maple leaves! They are so beautiful.
Okamoto: Oh~ Scarlet maple leaves!
Nakajima: Wanna go to Takaozan with me?
Okamoto: Takaozan?! Together?
Nakajima: Yeah, Takaouzan is a great place
Okamoto: I want to go but …. Well, let’s go then
Nakajima: Sorry, I feel like I forced you to come with me
Okamoto: No, it’s okay. I promised with Chinen the other day, too
Nakajima: Really?
Okamoto: Yeah.
Nakajima: It feels like Keito makes lots of promises. Oh well. Let’s start!
Okamoto: Yeah.
Dream Come True tune
Nakajima: Continuing on from other day’s show, we’ll present you other segments as well. Please listen carefully and send us mails and emails to make the show more fun!
Okamoto: Well, please enjoy the show until the end!
Dream Come True tune
Nakajima: We presented you two segments yesterday, the Hey!Say!Talking where we take requests on the keywords you want us to talk about and Hey!Say!Words which we are taking request on anything you want us to say. Today, I’d like to present 2 new segments as well. First is this…
Japan’s youngest advice column
Nakajima: Well this segment is the name itself. It’s where we talk about any problems. When you think about people who give advices, they are most often to have plenty of experiences in life. So we’d like to give advices thinking thoroughly as much as we can. It’s a segment which the listeners can also listen to the problems and learn good life lessons. Keito looks like he has no worries at all.
Okamoto: I don’t have any worries
Nakajima: You are like… Careless person might sound offensive but you are living very comfortably warm lately.
Okamoto: Yeah
Nakajima: Not really lately, but more like forever
Okamoto: Yeah, but “careless” was a bit harsh
Nakajima: Sorry. But that’s a good thing. It’s good to not think about anything.
Okamoto: Really?
Nakajima: Don’t you think so? I don’t think I have any worries, either
Okamoto: Really?
Nakajima: Well, we are still young after all. Having worries might be troublesome. Wait, do people ask you for advice?
Okamoto: I think Yuto asked me once
Nakajima: Really? I don’t think so
Okamoto: You didn’t?
Nakajima: I don’t remember doing that
Okamoto: What are worries? How is it like?
Nakajima: Hmm… what are worries? It’s complicated. It depends on people, too.
Okamoto: Yeah
Nakajima: That’s what we’d like to ask [the listeners]
Okamoto: I think my worries would be Yuto’s love for insects
Nakajima: I apologized about that yesterday, too! I’m really sorry. I’ll try to fix that.
Okamoto: I think it’s great that you love them but…
Nakajima: So it’s okay
Okamoto: Let’s take back a notch
Nakajima: Okay
Nakajima: Well, I’d like to announce another new segment. It’s ta-daa
Nakajima: This segment is where you send us anything from a funny happening in your daily life, questions, your own trivia, or anything. This sounds exciting. There’s a lot but I think I know lots of stuff that many people might not know. I’m like a dictionary but my knowledge only comes forward when it’s necessary. Yeah, it doesn’t come out that easily. For example, you know when you get asked “tell us your uncommon knowledge” for a magazine but, it doesn’t…
Okamoto: Yeah, it doesn’t come to you easily
Nakajima: Yup. It really doesn’t.
Okamoto: And you later regret thinking “I should’ve said ___”
Nakajima: Yeah! Well, it’s goes along like that
Okamoto: Yup
Nakajima: We just announced two new segments so send us mails and make this show more fun with us!
Okamoto: Please listen to a song. It’s Hey!Say!JUMP’s new song, Mayonaka no Shadow Boy
~Mayonaka no Shadow Boy~
Nakajima: It’s already time for us to apart. We are waiting for your mails for this show. Please keep send lots of mails on the last week and today’s segments.
Okamoto: By mail, it’s 105-8002 Bunka Broadcast Hey!Say!7’s show. The email is jump@joqr.net
Nakajima: We are waiting for your thoughts on the show, questions to us, or anything you want us to do.
Okamoto: Please listen to us tomorrow. This was Hey!Say!7’s Okamoto Keito and
Nakajima: and Nakajima Yuto
Nakajima: See you tomorrow!
Okamoto: Bye~!
7th Radio ShowOkamoto: Good evening, this is Hey!Say!7’s Okamoto Keito
Nakajima: Evening-me, this is Nakajima Yuto
[Nakajima said “今晩-me” ]
Nakajima: Well, I tried changing it a little
Okamoto: Sorry, I don’t know how to go along to that [joke]
Nakajima: It’s okay. You don’t have to. You can just say “Oh, Yuto kun has been changing ‘Good evening’ now”
Okamoto: Okay. You know that people won’t understand you [that easily] on a radio but do you think there’s any record of us talking the longest?
Nakajima: Time wise? Well, for me… I don’t really talk long on phones.
Okamoto: Me too
Nakajima: Don’t you hate it though? Like when we are about to go eat, your mom is on the phone with her friend and she doesn’t hang up.
Okamoto: Oh~
Nakajima: Don’t you hate that? So, I don’t do that
Okamoto: I actually do
Nakajima: With whom?
Okamoto: I do it with Chinen a lot
Nakajima: Oh, with Chii.
Okamoto: The other day it was, actually he calls me sometimes, but he used to call me every single day. We usually talked about 30 minutes each call.
Nakajima: Wow, 30 minutes every time?
Okamoto: I talked with him about 27 minutes yesterday
Nakajima: Eh~. Call me sometimes, too. I feel so lonely
Okamoto: Well, that’s because I’m more talk on the phone type and Yuto, you’re more texting type
Nakajima: Yeah
Okamoto: So we text you
Nakajima: You can call, too. Well, let’s do this
Okamoto: Let’s start
Dream Come True tune
Okamoto: Starting today, we will learn more about the members. Today, we’ll learn more about Yuto.
Nakajima: Please enjoy until the end
Dream Come True tune
Hey!Say!7 ft. Nakajima Yuto
Nakajima: Yeah~
Okamoto: Today, I’d like to ask Yuto some personal data. I’m going to ask you 7 questions in a row so please answer them honestly.
Nakajima: Well, I don’t think there’s no point of lying…
Okamoto: 7 Questions to Yuto…. Start!
Okamoto: First question, please tell us your birth date
Nakajima: Heisei 5th year, August 10th… well, 1993
Okamoto: Tell us your horoscope symbol
Nakajima: Sheep
Okamoto: Sheep…
Okamoto: Tell us your blood type
Nakajima: I’m A… I have type A
Okamoto: Then, what is your hobby?
Movie watching
Okamoto: You tried to be funny, there.
Nakajima: Hm?
Okamoto: Because A… Eiga [movie]
[This was a pun (?) えいが(movie) and えい(A)]
Nakajima: It’s not!! Then what’s yours?
Okamoto: What is your talent?
Nakajima: My talent would be… I’m still not good at it but Drums. I play the drums.
Okamoto: Your strong point?
Nakajima: Strong points? They’re usually not noticeable yourself… I don’t know
Okamoto: Good points about Yuto
Nakajima: That I’m mischievous and energetic
Okamoto: Hmmm…
Nakajima: I’m still 15 but I’m mischievous
Okamoto: Then instead, what’s your weak point?
Nakajima: That I have a sharp tongue
Okamoto: Sharp tongue?
Nakajima: Yeah, I say pretty harsh stuff a lot. Oh this was the 7th question
Okamoto: Yup. Well, we asked him to answer 7 questions. I thought you’d say ‘tap dance’ for your talent
Nakajima: Ah! Have tap dance in there too.
Okamoto: Okay. Is it just tap dance? Is there anything else?
Nakajima: Tap dance and drums
Okamoto: Is that all?
Nakajima: Do I have anymore?
Okamoto: Like “catching water sliders”
Nakajima: You mean catching insects?
Okamoto: You could be like “I can catch insects really fast~” so, are you sure?
Nakajima: Yeah
Okamoto: Oh that would be in your hobby… Your strong point was mischievous
Nakajima: Yeah, and like energetic
Okamoto: I think the strong point for the Yuto I know would be “kindness”
Nakajima: Am I nice?! I see. Well, thank you
Okamoto: Don’t you think so?
Nakajima: I didn’t even notice
Okamoto: You’re really nice about small things.
Nakajima: Hmm…
Okamoto: Like if someone falls you’d be like “are you okay?”
Nakajima: Well, that’s normal
Okamoto: Remember 2 weeks ago, when we went to a studio with the 5 of us? I fell when I was entering the studio.
Nakajima: You did!
Okamoto: Yeah, I fell. Yuto was asking me “are you okay?” and what not and I thought it’s so like Yuto. There was Yama chan and Chinen in the back and they were laughing their heads off
Nakajima: Well, that’s their personality
Okamoto: Let’s leave that as that. But I thought you were nice.
Nakajima: Thank you. Strong and weak points are something you don’t notice yourself.
Okamoto: You don’t really want to say strong points that much
Nakajima: yeah
Okamoto: Like “Well, my good points are ___” kind of thing
Nakajima: I know how that feels, too!
Okamoto: We will talk more about Yuto’s true self, tomorrow
Nakajima: I always show my true self … Please listen to a song now. It’s Hey!Say!JUMP’s Mayonaka no Shadow Boy
~Mayonaka no Shadow Boy~
Nakajima: Well, it’s already time. We are waiting for your mails.
Okamoto: The address is 105-8002 Bunka Broadcast Hey!Say!7’s show. Email address is jump@joqr.net
Nakajima: Wait a minute! … Oh well
Okamoto: I messed up
Nakajima: it’s .net
Okamoto: oh~
Nakajima: Well, the show 4 segements
[Yuto messes up?]
Nakajima: See you made me mess up
Okamoto: Sorry. You can continue
Nakajima: There are 4 segments in this show. Please send us mails to join in the talk
Okamoto: We are still waiting for this show’s title
Nakajima: Oh yeah, it still hasn’t been named
Okamoto: Yeah
Nakajima: Then, what is this? Is it “Hey!Say!7’s show?”
Okamoto: This was Hey!Say!7’s Okamoto Keito
Nakajima: and Nakajima Yuto
Nakajima: See you tomorrow!
Okamoto: Bye-Bye
Okamoto: Good evening, this is Hey!Say!7’s Okamoto Keito
Nakajima: Good evening, this is Nakajima Yuto
Okamoto: We’ll get the show heated up just the two of us this week!
Nakajima: Yeah. It’s just two of us
Okamoto: Yeah
Nakajima: The time has finally come. It was my dream to do a radio show with Keito.
Okamoto: Really.
Nakajima: Yeah, I’m so happy. I always look forward to all the funny comments you’d make.
Okamoto: Don’t expect on me too much
Nakajima: Sorry
Okamoto: Don’t we get along pretty well?
Nakajima: We do. We go to places a lot.
Okamoto: We also went to a movie a while ago
Nakajima: We did. Let’s go again.
Okamoto: What should we do?
Nakajima: Doesn’t the studio feel bigger?
Okamoto: Yeah it is bigger. I just felt that, too.
Nakajima: The studio is big because it’s just the two of us.
Okamoto: Yeah
Nakajima: I can see the outside
Okamoto: Oh yeah
Nakajima: Wow, I can see the outside!
Okamoto: Then, should we…
Nakajima: Hey, do we have anything in common?
Okamoto: It’s that… we are pretty tall.
Nakajima: You’re right.
Okamoto: I’m 172cm right now
Nakajima: I’m [17]3cm
Okamoto: I’m trying my best to get as tall as you right now
Nakajima: You’re drinking milk, right?
Okamoto: Yeah, about 500ml every day. I drink milk everyday but Yuto and the others are telling me that only my bones will get bigger
Nakajima: Because milk only makes your bones bigger
Okamoto: A little trivia there
Okamoto: But your height will grow, too
Nakajima: Shall we start, soon?
Okamoto: Let’s
Dream come true tune
Okamoto: We’ll present to you new segments so please listen carefully and send us your thoughts
Nakajima: Please enjoy until the end
Dream come true tune
Okamoto: To start off, I’d like to present you, listeners, a segment you can join in by mail. First it’s…
Everyone: Yeah
Nakajima: Gosh, the echo sounds so cool
Okamoto: This is a segment which we are taking requests of the talk’s keyword and to talk about it.
Nakajima: Oh~
Okamoto: I’d be happy if they could send us keywords that are easy to talk about
Nakajima: Yeah. What could we talk about?
Okamoto: Hmm…
Nakajima: Something we’re good at. What would that be? Keito would be that… what about Billiard?
Okamoto: Yeah, billiard
Nakajima: You’re good at billiard right?
Okamoto: Well, yeah. I am good at billiard
Nakajima: You just said it yourself though
Okamoto: I got carried away
Nakajima: Are there any uncommon knowledge you can share with us?
Okamoto: About billiard?
Nakajima: yeah
Okamoto: You know how sometimes people are sitting on the table?
Nakajima: Yeah, with their backs facing the table? They look cool
Okamoto: Yeah, I see that sometimes and you’d think “wow they look like they’re a good player” but most often, those people aren’t even touching the ground
Nakajima laughs
Okamoto: And you have to have your feet on the ground at all times in billiard
Nakajima: Oh yeah
Okamoto: Other people might think they are pretty cool but I think of them as “what are they doing?”
Nakajima: Like “why are they showing off” kind of thing
Okamoto: Yeah. For Yuto it’d be… bugs
Nakajima: Yup, bugs
Okamoto: Don’t you love bugs?
Nakajima: Well…. Lately, I’ve been starting to dislike grasshoppers
Okamoto: Starting to dislike them?
Nakajima: Yeah because, I don’t know why but they keep jumping towards me and I’m like “why do you love me so much?”
Okamoto: Yeah
Nakajima: And if you look face to face with a grasshopper, they are actually pretty disgusting
Okamoto: But… bugs are
Nakajima: I’m so sorry, you hate bugs right? I’m sorry
Okamoto: No, remember a while back with you, me, and Chinen went to…
Nakajima: Is it that water strider thing?
Okamoto: We went to a lake
Nakajima: I found a water strider. I showed you it and let you sniff them because they actually do smell like candies. But you actually hated them right?
Okamoto: I just don’t like them…
Nakajima: I saw it in the magazine. I was like “Oh, that’s what happened” and my mood got really low.
Okamoto's interview from Duet Oct 08
☆Yuto likes bugs. The other day, Yuto and I just happened to pass by a lake and he told me “Keito, water striders really smells like candies, so I’ll let you smell one!” and he went off looking for one. To be honest, I don’t like anything buggy. But he brought it to me really happily so I put up with it even though the legs were moving in front of my face… (tears). That’s only because Yuto went all his trouble to find one for me. Let’s keep this talk a secret from Yuto (laughs).
Okamoto: Because you were holding three water striders in your hands
Nakajima: They really do smell good
Okamoto: I know
Nakajima: So you understand
Okamoto: But I’m not good with bugs
Nakajima: Okay, then I’ll be careful next time
Okamoto: Really? You caught a cicada the other day and showed me that, too
Nakajima: Sorry. I’m really sorry. I’ll try fixing that. I’m really sorry
Okamoto: Okay. Well, this isn’t the only new segment so I’d like to announce it now. It’s…
Okamoto: In this segment, we are taking requests for a phrase you want us to say
Nakajima: Oh~
Okamoto: Yeah, something that we wouldn’t normally say
Nakajima: Eh~
Okamoto: Send us some
Nakajima: I see.
Okamoto: For example, it’d go like this…
Nakajima: Do you have an ecobag?
Nakajima: Wait a minute, is this okay? Is this how its ganna go?
Okamoto: Yeah
Nakajima: “Do you have an ecobag?” ?!
Okamoto: You don’t say that often
Nakajima: Not at all but it’s important if you think about how the Earth is right now. We have to think more about Earth. Do you have an ecobag?
Okamoto: Ecobag? I have one
Nakajima: Really?
Okamoto: My school bag is really big, it’s actually is a backpack and it’s really big. I have my big ecobag in my backpack right now.
Nakajima: So you do use it
Okamoto: Yeah. I’m like “I’m eco”
Nakajima: You should all use one too
Okamoto: We announced 2 new segments today but there’s actually another segment
Nakajima: Eh!?
Okamoto: Yup. We are going to announce it in tomorrow’s broadcast so, please listen to them.
Nakajima: Please listen to a song for now.
Okamoto: Theme song for the drama, Scrap Teacher. New song by Hey!Say!JUMP. It’s Mayonaka no Shadow Ho-i.
[Yes, I know it’s “Mayonaka no Shadow Boy” but Keito actually said “Ho-I”]
Mayonaka no Shadow Ho-i.
Okamoto: It’s already time for us to apart.
Nakajima: Yup
Okamoto: We are waiting for your feedback for this show and we just announced two new segments so it’d be great if you start sending us some.
Nakajima: Yeah. If you are sending by mail, send to 105-8002 Bunka Broadcast Hey!Say!7’s show. The email address is jump@joqr.net
Okamoto: Beside from the new segments, send us your thoughts on the music, any questions you have for us, or anything you want us to do.
Nakajima: Please listen to us next time!
Okamoto: It was Hey!Say!7’s Okamoto Keito
Nakajima: and Nakajima Yuto
Okamoto/Nakajima: See you tomorrow!Morimoto: Good evening, this is Hey!Say!7’s Morimoto Ryutaro
Okamoto: Good evening, this is Okamoto Keito
Chinen: Good evening, this is Chinen Yuri
Yamada: Good evening, this is Yamada Ryosuke
Nakajima: Good morning [this was said in English], this is Nakajima Yuto (laughs)
Yamada: Good morning?
Okamoto: It’s “good evening”
Nakajima: I just wanted people to tsukkomi there.
Okamoto: Okay
Chinen: Well, we didn’t know whether you did that on purpose or not
[Giggling in the back]
Nakajima: I really did purposely act goofy there (grows timid)
Don’t be that sad
Nakajima: Good evening, this is Nakajima Yuto
[After Nakajima said things in a timid tone, everyone started talking freely. All their voices are overlapped. ]
Morimoto: How was doing this for the past week?
Oh yeah~
It’s already a week…
Yamada: So, it’s already been a week Morimoto san?
Okamoto: What did you think about doing this, Ryutaro?
Nakajima: Yeah, I want to hear your thoughts on this too
Morimoto: Well, we’ve never done this kind of stuff. Like radios
Morimoto: And it’s our last day to talk with the 5 of us
Oh, I didn’t know that
I see…
Oh yeah~
Morimoto: From now on, we’re going to talk with only 2 people out of the 5 at a time
Yamada: You mean 2 at a time?
Okamoto: 2 at a time…
Nakajima: That sounds fun, too
Nakajima: Depending on the matching, it’d be like Ryutaro and Keito some days
Nakajima: Doesn’t that sound like fun?
Chinen: Well, it’s for certain that I’ll be with Keito
With Keito!
Chinen: That’s amazing, he is the king after all.
Chinen: It’s going to be so much fun
He’ll talk on forever
He’s not a king, he’s like a god… for real
Okamoto: But, I just thought of this right now
Okamoto: We had a week
Okamoto: It feels like it’s the first time talking like this in 7
You think so?
Okamoto: or maybe not…
Yamada: Maybe you’d think that because we are always with JUMP
Yamada: We’ve never really talked with just the 5
Yamada: Because it’s always the 10 together
Morimoto: But I think we talked a lot just with us 5
That feels new too
Chinen: By talking this much, I feel like it’s actually fun to talk
Yamada: Who are you?
Who are you? (laughs)
Morimoto: During concert MC, Yabu kun or Hikaru kun usually does the talking
Chinen: Even though we talk a lot on this radio, we never talk much during concerts
Not at all
Morimoto: It’s really rare that Keito is talking… not Keito, Chinen
Chinen: Eh? You’re not the one to say that because you don’t talk either, Ryutaro
Ryutaro doesn’t talk that much either
Okamoto: Ryutaro doesn’t talk that much during MC
Morimoto: It’s time to being soon
Morimoto: On Fridays, we are going to air the song people have requested, instead of the keyword talks we have been doing. But we still haven’t got any mails from you all so we’d like to air our requested son. Also, the youngest, Morimoto Ryutaro would like to take over today.
Do your best!
Yamada: Is he going to be alright?
Morimoto: Please enjoy until the end!
Everyone: Yay!
Nakajima: Wow! The adult team and kids team just got combined!
Yamada: Chinen BEST SEVEN
Morimoto: Well, we are going to take your requested son for this corner. Various kinds of song… music… well, I just messed up. To improve HSJ by studying from the various kinds of music we’ll listen to. Is the type of corner this is. This is our first time so we’d like you all to listen to our requested song. [messes up this whole sentence along the way]
Are you okay?
Chinen: Is this okay?
Morimoto: well, Okamoto san, please announce it!
Okamoto: Our request is… UMP!
Everyone: Oh~
It’s our debut song?
It is
Oh, Debu- song? [Debu/ Fat]
Chinen: Ahahha
I totally messed up!
Debut song
It’s debut song
Morimoto: Please listen to them. It’s HSJ’s
Everyone UMP!
Morimoto: It’s already time for us to go
Okamoto: We will air your requested song on Fridays
Chinen: Any song is Ok! Please keep sending requests!
Yuto: The address is…
Yamada: The e-mail address is…
Morimoto: Hai, please listen to us again next week. This was brought to you by today’s MC, Morimoto Ryutaro
See you next week!
Yamada: Yup, next week~!
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