Saturday 29 May 2010

Puri Puri Princess #11

Boardcast on: Tuesday, 16th June 2009

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ル ’ー’リ<「Berryz Koubou's Tsugunaga Momoko no Puripuri Princess」!
Good evening! I'm Berryz Koubou's Tsugunaga Momoko! Today, I'm talking wearing black pumps~ Um, these black pumps, today, I had a little mishap wearing these. My heel got caught in the train station's manhole, well.. It was embarrassing and, a salary man, kind of laughed at me my behind my back, but, Please listen while picturing my appearance. So, today's June 16th, it's almost Father's day. Momo's Dad, like when he's going to do something for Momo, or like if he's going to bring something delicious, He usually calls me “Momo~", but at those times he'll call me “Momochi~♪” So, when he calls “Momochi~♪” I think, "Ah, Momo, you're about to get something good” and I hurry over to my Dad, we have that kind of parent-child relationship. Well, from now on, I'll try hard for my family and continue to show appreciation for my Dad. Yes, so then, let's begin.

「Berryz Koubou's Tsugunaga Momoko no Puripuri Princess」!

New・ Tsugunaga Constitution article 11!【When chopsticks are split nicely, be overjoyed】「Tsugunaga Momoko no Puripuri Princess」! Yay~!Momo's a genius~!

Welcome back, Good evening. I'm Berryz Koubou's Tsugunaga Momoko. So, I received many letters from everyone. And, there were a lot of letters about troubles and concerns. So today, I'll be doing-..(lol) I fumbled. (lol)I'll be doing "Momo's trouble solution special”! Ok here I go~ let's get down to it. 【Momoko-hime-chan, Good evening. I admire Momoko-hime-chan's cute, energetic, bright personality.】Aw shucks♪ Thank you.【For some reason, I'm kind of plain and my personality's quite gloomy. What can I do to be a cute, energetic, cheerful girl like Momoko-hime-chan?Please tell me.】The one who sent this letter is from, Idol Kingdom, Saitama district, puripuri name <saaya>san. Well, there were a lot of these kind of letters. From puripuri name<hoshimitoaika>san, um, 【I'm sometimes not self-confident, and become gloomy, which I feel is kind of a vicious circle.】and then, puripuri name<tsugunagasentaimomorenjaa>san said 【What can I do to live optimistically?】There are a lot of troubled people. Saying that, Today, Tsugunaga Momoko will teach a course on being positive. First, ① “Change it to a happy word”. For example, if the keyword was "Got fat". That's, quite negative, it doesn't really sound good. But if you say “Got plump”, it really, lightens the feeling of it、also, you could say “rolly polly”, it's cute and means the same thing, but if you change it to a happy word I think it has a very different impression. Well, presently I as well, my legs are, how to say it, short, you could say "short legs". But that's not very, positive so, I call them “Compact” And handy for getting me around. Right, that- that kind of thing is very important. Also, I obtained this, from a book, but, um, “That person doesn't like me”, is quite negative, right. But if you add the word "Yet",“That person doesn't like me, yet”, Look, you can see some hope for tomorrow, can you not? Like, you don't know what tomorrow will bring. Then, from puripuri name, <numacchi>san,【I play soccer but, when we lose I always become negative.】that's what they wrote. So, what they mean is they can't shoot well, since it's soccer. But if you say, "I can't shoot well, yet," that will enable you to try hard du..ring practice, right? Also, in this "Complex Improvement book", Momo, as someone who loves herself, um~, to say it bluntly, it isn't a complex. Isn't that awesome? In some sense. It's more so that I have respect for myself, but, um, being short, Momo really has a complex about, whatever I'm doing I'll be called like, “Chi-bi, Chi-bi"(shorty) which makes me feel like "(*sad noise*)”. But, if I think of it as a unique quality, like, right, if you try and hide a complex, like, the people around you get concerned, right? So, it's better to be, kind of, well, "open." About everything. If you, disclose, would you say, hu~♪ A happy tomorrow awaits. So, please learn to like yourself.

What is this? Just now, a paper...(*reads paper from staff*) Eh, "Now that you mention it Momoko-hime's gotten plump, haven't you?"(lol)That's mean! Yes..,Ah, Ha- "Plump" Ah, That's right. The happy word. Happy wo-..."Plump", Ah, that's right. As opposed to being told "You've gotten fat",“plump” is, well, that's right. Well, ha-, mm.. But, Yes, just believing in your mind. If someone tells you something, I think it's a good idea to deny it. (staff laughs) It can't be helped. (*bell chimes*) Ye~s, well that will be it for today~. Eh, if you have a trouble that you'd like Momo to answer, please don't be afraid to send it. So then, please listen to this song. Momo, what you're about to hear, 『Seishun Bus Guide』,Momo, the- the bus I always ride, when I'm riding, I've decided on a special seat. Um~, 2 rows from the back, um, on the window side, there's a place for your legs, that kind of sticks out, That's Momo's, usual favorite spot, so everyone, if you see Momo on the bus, please pass that area. Um, please sit in another seat. Saying that, eh, please listen. The currently on sale and doing well, Berryz Koubou's 『Seishun Bus Guide』.
『Seishun Bus Guide』 →
While listening to 『Rival』, it's time to part. Yes, eh- Berryz Koubou's monumental 20th single, "Seishun Bus Guide/Rival", is currently doing well and on sale~ "Rival"'s Single V is on sale, tomorrow. "Seishun Bus Guide"'s Single V is on sale the 24th of this month. Everyone please check them out. Then, Berryz Koubou's shows are, "Puripuri Princess" and the show "Beritsuu!", which is a podcast transmitted every Friday. Saying that, for this week, I'd like them to say something loving. How to say it, not a cut and dry confession like “I like you", but a message that conveys feelings of love. Right, if it was Momo, how to say it, it's kind of the wrong season but, “To Momo, 'blank'-kun is like the Star(-sama) on a Christmas Tree” kind of thing. You know? Like, the highest point. That kind of thing, well, that's all that Momo could think of but, the 3 of you, say something effective and swoon-worthy before the title call!I'm anticipating it!So then, the show is waiting for everyone's mail. The postal address is 105-8002 culture broadcast「Berryz Koubou's Tsugunaga Momoko no Puripuri Princess」 The Email address is, m・o・m・o・@・ So then, today, thank you for listening till the end. Your partner for this time has been Berryz Koubou's Tsugunaga Momoko. Be sure to return next week♪ Bye-bye!

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