Tuesday 25 May 2010

Puri Puri Princess #10


090609 #10

ル ’ー’リ<「Berryz Koubou's Tsugunaga Momoko no Puripuri Princess」!
Good evening! I'm Berryz Koubou's Tsugunaga Momoko! Today I'm talking wearing a T-shirt with a picture of a girl holding a guitar on it~ It's been cold lately so, everyone, it's a good idea to wear long shirts~ Please listen while imagining that. Also, yesterday Momo, remembered something when I was in the bath. A method to say in one phrase what kind of person Tsugunaga Momoko is- I found a way to express it. This is really awesome, um, these were the requirements. First, 1,“Sounds good” 2,“Easy to remember”, 3, “Has impact”, Based on that, how to say it, I'll go ahead and announce it. Dakadakadaka, Tada! “5P”! I'm sure there are people thinking, “What!?", "Five" as in the number 5, "Peach"is peach. "Pink", pink is Momo's image color, and I like it. "Pretty", that's cute. "Pinky", is pinky, pinky. "Princess", princess. Isn't that awesome? Peach, Pink, Pretty, Pinky, Princess, if you put them together, 5P!Look at that~ pretty awesome~ Well~ Everyone, when you're introducing me to your friends please use that. "This girl's 5P." Then, using the dictionary, etc. I thought about different things, and there was one thing that was rejected. Um, I was with my dad and- I asked him, "Is there anything that begins with a P?" My dad said "Pepper", the vegetable. Then, when I asked "Why pepper?" He said, "Because they're empty on the inside" !! Referring to Momo! What~、Wh-wha-wha, what's up with that? (lol)Dad, you're mean! Have you always thought of Momo like that? I'm empty inside. That's a harsh point of view, isn't it~ (staff laugh) Everyone what do you think about Momo, your true feelings, to a degree that won't hurt Momo, please let me know. So then, let's begin!

「Berryz Koubou's Tsugunaga Momoko no Puripuri Princess」!

New・ Tsugunaga Constitution article 10!【Make sure you press the bus' stop button first.】「Tsugunaga Momoko no Puripuri Princess」!It's frustrating to lose, isn't it~

“Momo's an I・D・O・L☆ミ”♪

For all of you who still don't know Berryz Koubou, with these comments Momo makes, it'll dizzy and make people fans instantly, eh-, Those kinds of comments, kinds of ideas were sent in. Ones I think "I'll use this-", you'll receive a Momoko-hime hade-.. (*fumbles words*) (lol) hand-made♪hand-made, medal present~ Eh, we received a lot of mail so I'll read as many as I can. First is, umm, from Idol Kingdom- Where is this? Ibaraki-prefecture, Puripuri name,<momoiropurinsesu>san's idea. Here I go. Situation:
【A statement after getting stuck in a train station's ticket barrier. Normal Idol's response: 】
≪(Normal Idol)<It was embarrassing; everyone saw.≫
【Tsugunaga Momoko's response:】
≪<I'm a troublesome girl, huh~. Because Momo's cute, I get held back.≫
Positive! That's important. That's optimistic. From now on I'll think that way. Ah, but this, is really awkward. The people behind you look at you coldly like, "Hey you, why'd you get stuck” ! There's nothing you can do about that, getting caught like that. Um, everyone's had times when they didn't pay enough, right? At those times, to look kindly and be like,“Ah, that's it, the exact amount.” if you look at it in that way, the world will become a kinder planet! Let's think on a global scale! Right. So continuing. From Idol Kingdom, um, Toyama-prefecture, puripuri name.<purinsesukawada>san's idea. Ah! A princess- prince! Ah-, sorry. Ah, this is a boy, right? If it was princess, I'd have a rival! Ah~, It's <purinsukawada>san. Umm, okay I'll go ahead and read their idea.【When asked, "What type of sushi do you like?" Normal Idol's response:】
≪(Normal Idol)<Halibut.≫
【Tsugunaga Momoko's response:】
≪<Eh-, First, I look at the shop's kohada (Japanese shad) preparation and how the eggs are made and then decide.≫
Refined!When I first said this I didn't know what it meant. Is that an industry term I wonder? It seems they meant egg. Heh~, I decided on eggs? Momo, likes kanpachi (greater amberjack fish). When I say, "I like kanpachi", the adults around me often say, "That's refined!" What's refined about it, I don't know. All the fat on top, and the texture's crunchy、Ah~, it's fantastic~ The normal Idol's response, halibut, is pretty amateur. (staff laughs) Quite. (lol) Okay, continuing. Um, next is, where- where? Umm~...it isn't written, it isn't written so I can't say. Um, puripuri name <tomoyan>san. 【When asked, "Why do stick your pinky up when you hold the mic?" Normal Idol's response: 】
≪(Normal Idol)<It's an old habit!≫
【Tsugunaga Momoko's response:】
≪<It serves as an antenna to feel the fans' love!≫
(clap) Awesome~! Fantastic! This person gets a medal! Waー, I've been a normal Idol up until now, for this one. I see~ it's an antenna to receive the fans' love. Mr. Pinky, you're doing a good job~ (staff laughs) Really~ This, well some time, soon I'd like to use this. (staff laughs) Momo will, work hard on, only my pinky's, nail maintenance. The other day it seemed it was chipping, I thought this isn't good, and cut them nicely. I'll be cautious of that. So then, let's continue~ From Idol district, Idol Kingdom, Tokyo district, puripuri name,<takagimanaabu>san's idea. 【Situation. Comment in an interview after winning a boxing title match. Normal Idol's response:】
≪(Normal Idol's response:)<My opponent was strong, but in the last round my right hook was successful.≫
【Tsugunaga Momoko's response:】
≪<Without doing a thing, from the first round, my opponent was knocked out by Momo's charm~☆≫
Ah~, medal. (lol) Um, this is funny but, ah, this one's good, this joke. But will Momo ever be in a boxing situation? Boxing seems like it hurrts~(gets cutesy) But they punch you in the face. Ah~, (sarcastic) My valuable plain face~ (staff laughs) Ah~ really~~ I'd like to try that, martial arts. Um, Momo's little brother does Karate. When he started out, when I watched the videos my mom, Mother taped, he was like, “(high-pitched)Eh! Eh! Eh!", like “Ah~, Cute~♪” but, now he's more like "(low) Eh! Eh!" That makes me think like, “Wa~ this can really change people~”, and also a girl with a black belt is extreeemely cool, like, just normally like, “Wa, oh man! That struck my heart” Kind of like, you want them to protect you, that's really cool, so, that's me, getting interested in Karate, Tsugunaga Momoko. If the opportunity arises I'd like my little brother to teach me~.(*bells chimes*) Yes, that's it for todayy. Eh, In order for Momo to break through as an orthodox Idol, I need everyone's efforts. By all means, please send many types of mail. That's all for the "Momo's an I・D・O・L☆ミ” corner~ So then, please listen to this song. currently doing well on sale, Berryz Koubou's 『Rival』.
『Rival』 →  
While listening to the currently doing well on sale, 『Seishun Bus Guide』 it's time to part. I'll announce some recent Berryz Koubou news. What you're listening to now, "Seishun Bus Guide" is the Anime, "Inazuma Eleven"'s ending theme. And, those PVs' Single V is on sale June 24th. Well~ This is really great. In "Seishun Bus Guide" you can see me in a male school uniform. Also, The other A-side's "Rival", which I played earlier, what was it, um, You can see me with a ponytail, energetic and fresh~ This, again, they're both, really fun PVs, so everyone please check them out. Then, Berryz Koubou's shows are "Puripuri Princess" and "Beritsuu!", which is a weekly broadcast? weekly..hm? A broadcasted, podcast, transmitted every Friday. So this week, um, Captain, Maasa, and Chinami talked about this on their show, I'd like them to think of a catch phrase for me and say it before their show's title call. Ah~ what kind of catch phrases will they come up with~? I'm curious. Momo will definitely listen Friday as well. The show is waiting for everyone's letters. You can send mail to postal number 105-8002,Culture broadcast「Berryz Koubou's Puripuri Princess」. Please send email to the address, momo@joqr.net, m・o・m・o・@・joqr.net. I read the letters even if they're not introduced on air. So everyone, even short comments, by all means please send in your thoughts about the show. Your partner for this time has been Berryz Koubou's Tsugunaga Momoko. Be sure to return next week♪ Bye-bye!

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