Wednesday 12 May 2010

Jun Jun Blog Translation 'Additional'

31. JunJun’s 1st birthday in Japan whose birthday message do you receive?

Reply : There were lots of messages at 12am…everyone’s punctual.

Sometimes a little friend Kamei will be late…

Afterall she is kame (*^__^*) [2010.5.11]追加!!

32. What is JunJun’s favourite Japan TV program? Do you have courage to to be in LH ranking segment?

Reply : My favourite is Shabekuri007.

LH ranking segment is?..

JunJun wishes to attend all sorts of variety shows..[2010.5.11]追加!!

33. What is your favourite flower?

Reply : JunJun like roses, it’s a girl’s flower.

There’s another call Spider lily. Fiery red makes it beautiful. JunJun likes the story of flowers. Beautiful and lonely.[2010.5.11]追加!!

34. Recently play what DS games? Or is the any DS games you like?

Reply : Girls Mode. Dragon Quest, Tomodachi KoreKushiyon, Mario Cart.

Please recommend to me nice games..[2010.5.11]追加!!

35. Any male idols you like in Japan?

Reply : Shun Oguri , Eita[2010.5.11]追加!!

37. Does JunJun pay attention to horoscope? If yes does you feel like Aquarius-typed girl?

Reply: Sometime i do.

I don’t feel like aquarius typed.

Be ownself is better (*^__^*)[2010.5.11]追加!!

38. Does Princess JunJun get bullied when you just reach Japan? Will members squeeze out foreigners?

Reply : I won’t say it’s squeezed out.

But members are ok..everyone is friendly..[2010.5.11]追加!!

39. Princess JunJun can cook chinese well. Did you often cook for members? What about Tsunku?

Reply : Little Kamei had eaten before..

Also made dumplings for everyone..

Tsunku has not…[laugh][2010.5.11]追加!!

40. Who you thik is the prettiest in Morning Musume?

Reply : Takahashi Ai Senpai…[2010.5.11]追加!!

41. MM’s concerts and TV shedules have many, besides not wearing make-up, is there any ways to let skin be better?

Reply : Add more vitamin C food. Drink more water. detoxic..

ample sleeping time is important…next is not to have too much stress

JunJun’s skin will sometime rebel is due to overstress~.

In private, after bath, I will drink yogurt daily. In the day time I will drink a bottle of Five Mini..[2010.5.11]追加!!

42. Will JunJun consider of cutting hair short?

Reply : no…JunJun like long hair..JunJun’s mum also like JunJun with long hair [2010.5.11]追加!!

43. Is there any memorable concert?

Reply : Most memorable is Single daisenshu concert in Gunma..

JunJun’s back injury retire from stage..encore time everyone is shouting JunJun’s name to encourage me..

Next is Koharu senpai’s graduation concert…don’t bear to…

don’t know why just finished Pika Pika concert I also like it a lot.

These shou;d be the most memorable concerts up-to-date..[2010.5.11]追加!!

44. Among MM song list, which is the most difficult ? including dance and singing?

Reply : After JunJun join in it should Resonant Blue..

To express modern dance is hard.[2010.5.11]追加!!

45. If there is a new group formation, who do you in H!P would you like to work with? or Kumai-chan?

Reply : There’s many.

Berryz ’s Natsuyaki Miyabi senpai, Shimizu Saki senpai, C-ute Suzuki Airi senpai, Okai chisato senpai. hehe still like the current MM most. ><..[2010.5.11]追加!!

46. Recently started to learn Japanese. Is there any easy way to learn?

Reply : Take things slowly …. Have a good foundation first [2010.5.11]追加!!

47. Use 1 sentence to decribe the members….

Reply : Takahashi Ai —Guys n Girls also like her

Niigaki Risa–Earnest and serious

Kamei Eri –Natural and healing

Michishige Sayumi–exceptionally cute

Tanaka Reina–small and fine

Mitsui Aika–Conscientious

LinLin– Happy angel[2010.5.11]追加!!

48. Do you play PSP? Or like to play chinese version? keke JunJun also like to play privated games. Where download?

Reply : JunJun don’t know how to download..

it’s my sister download and bring it to me..[2010.5.11]追加!!

49. Do MM have any plans to come to beijing?

Reply : Hope there is a chance….everyone’s looking forward[2010.5.11]追加!!

50. Does JunJun like Japanese anime?

Reply : I don’t watch anime…..sorry…[2010.5.11]追加!!

51. What time do you usually wake up? How long is is your sleep?

Reply : It depends as the shedule is different daily..

Longest sleeping time is 12 hours.


52. Is Ai-chan fierce to you all? What kind of leader is she?

Reply: Ai senpai is nice…she is someone with affinity and let everyone willing to listen to her as a leader.[2010.5.11]追加!!

53. Do you know of Singapore?

Reply : Of Course I know! It’s a beautiful ” Garden City”…hopes to visit..[2010.5.11]追加!!

54. Do you like DBSK and Girls’ Generation?

Reply : en…

Some songs are nice…[2010.5.11]追加!!

55. If there is a chance, still wana come to Taiwan?

Reply : Of course I want to go to Taiwan and see everyone..[2010.5.11]追加!!

56. What do you think of plane?

Reply : Sit long backside will pain..(*^__^*) hehe..

sometime ears will ring [2010.5.11]追加!!

57. If a guy chats with JunJun, What kind of conversation will you be interested?

Reply : Must see situation…

JunJun can really chat…

Self-proclaimed…keke. [2010.5.11]追加!!

58. If JunJun and leader Takahashi were to say tongue twister, who will win?

Reply : JunJun!..[2010.5.11]追加!!

59. JunJun like drama or movie?

Reply : Both also like…see movie more…[2010.5.11]追加!!

60. On rest day what will you do?

Reply : Recently like to watch movie ..[2010.5.11]追加!!

61. JunJun’s laptop if its Japanese is it ok?

Reply : Ok [2010.5.11]追加!!

62. Do you use perfume? Which brand?

Reply : Recently I am using JUICY’s perfume.

JunJun’s favourite is still CHANEL [2010.5.11]追加!!

63. What is your favourite colour?

Reply : Pink, Rose, White .[2010.5.11]追加!!

64. What kind of guy JunJun like?

Reply : Sunshine -typed. Hard-working typed. Main thing is love JunJun and my parents..[2010.5.11]追加!!

65. JunJun’s favorite hairstlye.

Reply : When its hanging loose…

JunJun doesn’t like to tie hair….lazy….huhu…披散

66. i’m looking forward to the drama”ファッショナブル”What post do you perform?

Reply : Thank you.

I am looking forward to

Role itself and Chun Chun and also more apt

Fuel for several own [2010.5.11]追加!!

( Its the original post, I just copy and paste )

67. How do you destress?

Reply : Eat dim sum…bad way [ laugh]

trying hard to control [2010.5.11]追加!!

69. In Japan you sure think of home. When are you going back?

Reply : Sure ….Surely I will think of home..

Winter and summer holidays I can go back for a few days .[2010.5.11]追加!!

Good Nite..

Lastly let cute JunJun do the ending[2010.5.11]追加!!

A picture from a magazine shoot sometime ago!

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