Wednesday 26 May 2010

C-ute Blog Translation 'Okai family part 2 - Chisato'

Good morning everyone絵文字
I woke up early today。
The reason for the me waking up so early is because…
In my home、Something shocking woke me up(laughs)

My uncle came to stay over at my home…絵文字

My uncle…
Knew about the 【Graffiti meet】 but 、he just slept the earliest絵文字

He didnt care絵文字、and cause a big uproar when he saw the scribblings on his face(laughs)

Laughed a lot(゜∇゜)絵文字
He didn’t wake up even all that its amazing(laughs)

Furthermore、Sleeping like a log at that time my dog lipu tried it too, as expected it woke up immediately絵文字

Since morning we’ve been laughing a lot絵文字
The okai family is really interesting(laughs)

Who will be the next sacrifice…?
Might it be…
Me? I dont knowー!!!!


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