My impression?
My muscle is aching! (laugh)
but it’s really fun!!
And now,we S/mileage still have one more photo shoot to do ~
This one will be special (`・ω・´)
I can’t say it out for now,so please look forward to it,as well as wait for it anxiously!
What kind of feeling is that …
Nervousness \(^O^)/!!
… I’ll do my best (^ω^)
Ah!I have a private thing to share with you all.
I mentioned that my laptop’s condition is quite bad right?
Well,turns out that it’s actually beyond repair!
And so … I got a new laptop.
Although in theory it’s “my laptop”,everyone can use ~
It’s a black laptop,and I want a black × pink combo,so my dad bought a pink mouse for me ~
It really annoys me when my laptop freezes suddenly,so I went to check all the comments you all left that’s related to the laptop.
Thank you all so much for all the helpful advice regarding the laptop ヽ(^-^ )
That really helped a lot ~
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