Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Yamada "JUMP press" popolo september 2009 translation


Yamada Ryosuke

New information
JUMP press

My new talent is to, sleep immediately!
Because I'm really busy nowadays, the time which is the best to recover is when I lay on my bed. But, since it's pretty boring, I sleep within 1 minute. This, is my newest talent. It used to take me 20 minutes before I could sleep. But now, it's within 1 minute.

Two choices for summer★Yukata or swim wear. Which do you like better?

Girl-ish Yukata
I guess it's the Yukata afterall (laughs). The western clothes* gives a different feeling, and they way the hair is tied sometimes gives different feelings. I don't really get the colour and stuff but, I think that pink is nice. Pink is like the flower. Girl-like feeling.

Credit: ryokimayuu@LJ

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