Good afternoon(^ω^)
Today is just as hot as usual…everyone dont you feel exhausted?
please take care´ω`
Today i am
going for the FC event
For that i have read the script over and over again~(^O^)
Um~。Look forward to this time as well(`・ω・´)!
Everyone have a lookout for this event
However before the FC event
We are having the major debut memorial event
over at Osaka the day after tomorrow
it is the last session so i am worry if there is time
but we did practice it well so dont worry
Ah、yesterday’s bag
the overall
i use it right away today(*^ω^*)
The truth is that i used it since yesterday after buying(笑)
Using new things right away, it is my style(`-ω-´)
Such style is it normal?or is it weird?←
Alright then together with this bag i will be heading off
Today there was lots of surprising happenings(笑)
My heart is beating very fast(´゜Д゜`)←
Went for FC event rehearsal but then…
there as lots of fun planning
look forward to it(*^ω^*)
This is rather a excited than being shocked
We are always saying that it is fun however…it is really enjoyable and fun
i’m saying that the words are covered up><
is there a better phase for this…?
It is extremely enjoyable!
How is this~
Extremely enjoyable!
how is it~ arent we doing it together?(´゜Д゜`)笑
Yes~。and with that
Extremely enjoyable!is good(^ω^)
Seems like the decision is made in a hurry
i will wait for any good comments that come in
The photo of the ice cream i ate appeared suddenly
Raspberry×Lemon ice cream it taste really good(^q^)
Such delicious taste is a foul!!
Eating it one mouth makes you feel you can be so fashionable。←
You will know how it is when you eat this…
Somehow、the look of it is so fashionable
so is the taste
And、the feel of it is too~(笑)
please have a try at it if you manage to find the place
if you ever get this feeling…you might have already become fashionable(`-ω-´)
Ok、Oyasumi Zzzz
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