Tuesday 18 May 2010

Tsuukai! Berryz Oukoku #45 2010/05/07

OP Talk:
Miyabi: Tsuukai, Berryz oukoku, konban-nachurii! This is Berryz Koubou’s Natsuyaki Miyabi!
Yurina: Konban-nachurii! This is Kumai Yurina!
Risako: Konban-nachurii! This is Sugaya Risako!
Miyabi: The three of us, the ones in charge of “freshness” in Berryz Koubou, will present Tsuukai Berryz Oukoku. Today’s ojou-sama will be me, Natsuyaki Miyabi. Mina-sama yoroshiku onegai shimasu. So, just how did everyone spend the Golden Week?
Risako: Mou, golden week is already ending.
Miyabi: ne?
Yurina: ne? That was fast.
Risako: yeah, it was fast
Yurina: But tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are weekend, so…
Miyabi: right
Yurina: there are still people on a break, ne?
Miyabi: Yeah, they might still feel like it’s Golden Week.
Yurina: sou desu ne
Miyabi: But on the middle of it, w-w-we…
Risako: What happened?
Miyabi: Hai! On the middle of it we begun our “Concert tour 2010 early summer – Umi no Ie Otakebi House” without any problems!
Yurina: ieeeeeei
Risako: yay!
Miyabi: In reality, how was it?
Yurina: Hard, ne?
Risako: I was really nervous
Yurina: yeah, it really made me nervous
Miyabi: My heart was beating fast
Risako: Neeeee?
Miyabi: Seriously! Lives are fun, but every time it makes us nervous, ne~
Risako: Because we don’t know what might happen.
Yurina: It’s fun to see everyone’s reaction.
Risako: yeah it is!
Yurina: When they go all like, “Oohhhhh!” it makes me glad.
Risako: Yeah, yeah
Miyabi: It makes me happy too
Yurina: ne?
Miyabi: un, and how they behave too, right? Seeing them dancing properly makes me glad too. I’m really grateful to all of them, for all the times.
Yurina: arigatou gozaimasu
Risako: arigatou gozaimasu
Miyabi: Also, you know, after the concert has ended, in Berryz, we always have that meeting reviewing how it was, if we’ve made any mistakes, right? We have these things, right?
Yurina: yeah, we do
Miyabi: We have these, and every time Miya’s name comes up. Every time Miya has, like, mistaken the number (I figure the number on the stage floor, marking their positions?) or something like this *laughs
Risako: Mine too. It definitely comes up.
Miyabi: It’s always there, and I’d like to fix this, but on opening days and stuff, I get so hyped up that, to speak the truth, I don’t really pay attention to the numbers or things of the sort.
Yurina: I understand this.
Miyabi: You do?
Yurina: Like, on the opening of the concert, I get a little off from my position.
Miyabi: This happens once in a while.
Risako: That’s true.
Miyabi: There are times I can see the sensei (the dancer one) from stage. (*laughs) When this happens, I always think “This is bad! She definitely wrote something about me!” (*laughs) She definitely wrote something! After this, I get really nervous.
Yurina: I know what it’s like.
Miyabi: I always think this when I see her face, but when I see the fans looking at me, I feel like I have to give my best.
Risako: Yeah, that’s right
Miyabi: Things like this happens, too, ne?
Risako: hai
Miyabi: hai, then, I’d like everyone to come again next time, ne?
Yurina: Tomorrow… tomorrow at Kawaguchi Riria Main hall.
Miyabi: That’s right, I thought of saying this at the end *laugh
Yurina: ok
Miyabi: I thought of saying this properly at the end. So, today, too, we’re going to give our best, so, mina-san yoroshiku onegai shimasu.
Risako: onegai shimasu
Yurina: onegai shimasu
Miyabi: Then, for today’s opening number, Berryz Koubou in Otakebi Boy WAO!


Berryz Koubou - Otakebi Boy WAO!


Tsuukai maji atsu-talk!
Miyabi: it’s time for the Tsuukai maji atsu-talk corner!
Risako/Yurina: Yay!
Miyabi: On this corner, one of us brings in a really hot talk topic, then we’ll discuss about it. The one who will choose the topic today will be…
Yurina: Hai! Me, Kumai Yurina!
Miyabi: Kumai-chan talked about cake last time, you remember?
Yurina: I said something about collecting pics of birthday cakes. (the theme was actually “collection”. She said before that she takes pictures of the cake before eating, if I remember correctly)
Miyabi: That’s right, that’s right. So, this time, Kumai-chan, this time, what kind of theme did you choose? Please tell us!
Yurina: Hai. I’ll announce it then. What I, Kumai Yurina, chose for today’s maji atsu-talk theme was……
Miyabi: Oh! Nattou!
Yurina: Un!
Miyabi: Kumai-chan loves it, right?
Yurina: That’s right.
Miyabi: So, you’ll make an interesting talk out of it, right?
Yurina: Please, don’t make things harder for me. *laughs
Miyabi: But you really like it, you’re definitely knowledgeable about it.
Yurina: Yeah! Then, keep your hopes up!
Miyabi: I am!
Risako: I really am!
Miyabi: Everyone, keep your hopes up!
Yurina: Forget what I just said.
Miyabi: We have high hopes for this, so, Kumai-chan, talk intensively about it!
Yurina: I’ll give my Best.
Miyabi: Then... Start!
Yurina: Errrr... Ano~~~~ How should I begin? E~to, first, err~ I chose nattou… (lol =3)
Kumai-chan says she got into nattou the year before last. She was in a “nattou boom” that year, and this year she’s at it again. What got her into nattou again was that there are many kinds of nattou. She likes the one with small grains best, while Risako prefers the ones with big grains. She says there’s some jelly-like stuff she puts in it that takes that thingy (what is that called? Translating literally, it’s called thread, but I think there’s a better word for it…) out of it, makes it not sticky and easier to eat. Once, she got some of this “thread” on her hair, while eating, lol =]
She says eating nattou alone or with just rice is “boring”, so she pours tea on it too. This makes the stickiness go away too. At first, the appearance it takes makes you not want to eat it, but it’s really good anyway.
She also likes nattou with chaahan (typical Chinese fried rice). She makes them at home often, but the smell is so strong, she’s afraid she bothers the neighbors. This one looks appealing to Risako.
Miya suggests Kumai-chan to try putting it on ramen. (She says she’s gonna give it a try)
Miyabi: This was the Tsuukai maji atsu-talk corner, and today we had Kumai-chan talking about nattou. Everyone, how was it? Look forward to who and what kind of talk we’ll have next time! Now let’s go to the next song:
Yurina: Hai, from the album FIVE, Berryz Koubou in Special Generation ekiseren...
Miyabi/Risako: Ahhhh
Miyabi: You fumbled!
Yurina: Well, that’s ok, let me fix this: Berryz Koubou in Special Generation eccentric remix.


Berryz Koubou - Special Generation ~ Eccentric Remix


Miyabi: From now on, it’s time for the “Tsuukai itte hoshii no!” corner. This corner is really simple, the three of us gather lines you want us to say, and then we say it, that’s all. Anything from lines directed to us to something personal is OK. Please, include a description of the situation the line should be said. We’ll match the feelings as to get close to what was intended from the situation. Then, we received a lot of lines from the listeners. Arigatou gozaimasu!
Yurina/Risako: Arigatou gozaimasu
Miyabi: So, let’s introduce them!

First mail:
Yurina: “Situation: Risako-chan and Miyabi-chan are really close friends. A certain day, something really painful happened to Risako-chan. Risako-chan tries with all her mighty to show Miyabi-chan that she’s okay with what happened. Seeing Risako-chan like this, Miyabi-chan breaks the ice like this:”
Miyabi: ‘k
Risako: hai
Yurina: is what it says
Risako/Miyabi: hai
Yurina: Are you ready?
Risako/Miyabi: hai
Yurina: Then… if you please
Miyabi: “Ne, Risako? Let’s play hide and seek.”
Risako: “Eh? Why so sudden?”
Miyabi: “That’s ok, come on.”
Risako: “Wait…”
Miyabi: “Ready? I’ll look for you. Until Risako says ‘It’s okay to come’ I definitely won’t turn around.”
Risako: “But that’s obvious.”
Miyabi: “Yeah. So… it’s ok if you cry a lot.”
Risako: “Eh?”
Miyabi: “Hai! Then, Start! ‘Is it okay to go?’ ‘Is it okay to go~?’”
Risako: “Miya?”
Miyabi: “Hm? What’s it?”
Risako: “I’ll surely take a lot of time…”
Miyabi: “Un! I understand.”
The end!
Yurina: Ohhhhh. It really seemed like older and younger sister.
(Just… wow! This was really really good!)

Second mail: (popoko-san)
Risako: “So, the three of you have an ototo... (she was going to say otouto = younger brother)”
Miyabi: ototo! Ototo! (really fast)
Yurina: *laughs
Risako: “So, the three of you have a younger brother, that makes you the older sister, right?”
Yurina: Hai
Miyabi: That’s right.
Risako: “Then, in a situation like this, please: After a long time, you’re going to eat out together with your younger brother again, but he seems embarrassed and is walking within some distance from you. This is for Miyabi-chan, with a ‘real’ feeling to it, please:”
Miyabi: “Come closer to me. It’s ok if you act spoiled to your sister once in a while.”
This seemed real, right?
Risako/ Yurina: yeah
Miyabi: That’s right, I have a younger brother and he really doesn’t walk together with me.
Risako: Really?
Miyabi: Really. He definitely doesn’t like it.
Yurina: Is that so?
Miyabi: Maybe I should try saying this.
Yurina/Risako: Try it!
Miyabi: “Come a little closer to me!”*laughs
Risako: Try saying it.
Miyabi: “It’s ok to act spoiled!”
Yurina: yeah.
Miyabi: Ehhh. Although my younger brother is the same age as Risako…
Risako: *laughs
Miyabi: I’ll say it.
Risako: I’ve seen Miya’s brother before.
Miyabi: Yeah. He definitely…
Risako: From his appearance, he definitely won’t
Miyabi: He’ll probably say “That’s disgusting”. If he were younger than I’d surely say this.
Risako: But what if you try anyway? Kumai-chan’s brother is still young, so it’d be understandable.
Yurina: But he’s already in first year of middle school.
Miyabi: But He seems like He would still walk with you.
Yurina: He’d probably “Eh? Why would you say something like that?” and think of me as a weird person.
Risako: *laughs
Miyabi: Eh? He wouldn’t. But I understand. Well, I think I’ll try and say this
Risako: Try it!^^

Third Mail: (The rokkaberi guy again!)
Miyabi: “Konban-nachurii! ”
Yurina/Risako: Konban-nachurii!
Miyabi: “By all means, I’d like Kumai-chan to say this one. Situation: when school was over and Kumai-chan stood up from her chair thinking of going home, she was called by the classmate that she has interest in. He suddenly confesses to her that he likes her for a long time. I’d like Kumai-chan to say this while really shy!”
Yurina: “Eh? Ah… Hai! I like.. you too… or something”
(this something may also be interpreted as joking, but I don’t think this is the case here)
Risako: That’s cute, ne
Miyabi: There’s one more. Here, below, Risako, please read it.
Risako: Hai “Situation: Like a beautiful and popular nurse saying this to a patient:”. Kumai-chan, it’s for you.
Yurina: Ehhh??
Risako: Hai
Yurina: Here I go~
“So, it’s time for the injection!”
Lol! They laugh a lot here^^
Miyabi: That was sexy, ne? That was good right?
Risako: That was good ne.
Miyabi: Let’s go to the next one.
Yurina: *laughs, let’s go to the next one.

Fourth mail:
Yurina: "konban-nachurii”
Risako/Miyabi: konban-nachurii
Yurina: “This is my first mail!”
Miyabi/Risako/Yurina: arigatou gozaimasu
Yurina: “I’d like Miyabi to say this: with a cutie and childish feeling”… with a cutie and childish feeling!
Miyabi: *laughs
Risako: with a cutie and childish feeling, please.
*Miya trying to find the best way to say it
Miyabi: Then, here I go
Risako/Yurina: *laughs (lol! The way Risako laughs here xDD)
Miyabi: This won’t catch up.

Fifth mail:
Risako: Oukoku name: “popoko-san”!
Miyabi: It’s not popoko-san!
Risako: Sorry!
Miyabi: We’re sorry. It’s popo-san! *laughs
Risako: I Just can’t get things right today.
Miyabi: There was one with ko at the end today, right?
Risako: “Miyabi-chan, Yurina-chan, Risako-chan, konban-nachurii!”
Yurina: konban-nachurii
Risako: “Now, I’d like Yurina to say this one: you got to know that the guy you have a one-sided love likes a friend of yours. The situation is when you’re talking to the boy, but you take your friend’s side:”
Yurina: Ah! From the album!
Risako: That’s right
Yurina: here I go.
“Just for today, stay with me as if you love me. From tomorrow on, I’ll root for the one you love.”
Miyabi: Ohhh… the woman’s side of things *
Risako: that’s right…
Yurina: This is sad, right?
Miyabi: yeah, it is
Risako: It’s not good
Yurina: But it seems like the same complicated situation as in “kimi no tomodachi”
Miyabi: That’s right…
So this is all for the tsuukai itte hoshii no. How was it today?
Risako: Today, ne… Kumai-chan was really good
Yurina: yeah *laughs
Miyabi: right, the injection part really left an impression.
Risako: As for Miya, the one with the younger brother…
Miyabi: Ah, that was kinda real
Yurina: That one, I want you to really say it.
Risako: Yeah, I’d like you to say it.
Miyabi: Say it like I did here, ne?
Yurina: Yeah.
Miyabi: Then, we’re waiting for your ‘itte hoshii no‘ lines for next time! Please include the situation in which it should be said. This was the Tsuukai itte hoshii no corner!
Risako: So, let’s go to the next song: Berryz Koubou in Natsu Remember You.


Berryz Koubou - Natsu Remember You


Miyabi: “tsuukai berryz oukoku. It’s time to part ways. We’re waiting for your messages. Please, write ‘Tsuukai Berryz talk’, or ‘tsuukai itte hoshii no’, etc. in parentheses when you send them.
Album promotion.
Hello Channel promotion.
Concert tour promotion
Miyabi: Now, how was it today?
Yurina: Today, on the maji atsu-talk
Miyabi: That’s right, ne, Kumai-chan. It was about nattou,ne?
Yurina: Yes, please give it a try.
Risako: I want to, seriously
Miyabi: I’m thinking of trying the one with tea.
Risako: Also, I’m thinking about that one with fried rice, but the one with tea looks good too.
Miyabi: And Kumai-chan, the one with ramen, try it, ne?
Yurina: hai
Miyabi: hai, then, it’s time to go. Let’s meet again next week. By Berryz Koubou’s Natsuyaki Miyabi, and…
Yurina: Kumai Yurina and…
Risako: Sugaya Risako.

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