Saturday 15 May 2010

Mitsui Aika Blog Translation '8 Days'

How are you guys? (^o^)/☆

Just the other day we recorded Tokyo Friend Park ☆
It was my first Tokyo Friend Park!!!!!!! It was fun (^^)v♪
Tanaka-san really put a lot of effort into it (*^^*)☆☆
Thank you very much ♪♪ All of the members really appreciate it (*^o^)/ (^-^*)★

aika blog

Well, the tour is about to start (>_<)!!!!
I'm pretty nervous (i_i)€(^_^)
Well, although right now I've calmed down a little about it ☆
At the handshake session, everyone kept asking "What's the concert gonna be like?"
Unfortunately I could only tell them "It's a secret (^^)" (^_^;)
With this fall concert.. there are a couple songs we're gonna sing that people haven't heard yet... ☆
Be sure to listen (^∇^)/
The costumes are also very cute so pay attention to that!!!!
Morning Musume Concert Tour 2009 Fall ~Nine Smiles~
Even though its a concert, I hope people will be healed by it ♪♪
Please look forward to it~~ (^∀^)☆

aika blog

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