Monday 17 May 2010

C-ute Blog Translation 'Family of mischeif part 1 'Chisato''

Good evening(^-^*)/絵文字
Student’s you have studied hard絵文字
What did you have for your meal???
There are people who bring obentous isn’t it絵文字
Also、The people who are working you’ve worked hard絵文字

When my dad came home today、As its pretty hot today i thought we would feel tired~

While my dad was in the bath、I put his cup into the fridge、And served him a cup of cold beer( ̄∀ ̄)絵文字
Papa said【Beer tastes good after work~】絵文字
You’ve worked hard絵文字

Then then please listen to me絵文字Something shocked me today絵文字

Erm~絵文字In my home
There is a 【Graffiti meet】...

On that day we will draw on the face of the person who sleeps first、Its a Okai-family event絵文字
Me、was nearly the first person who slept 、i didn’t get my face scribbled on …(;∇;)/~~
Then、Yesterday i slept early絵文字
Maaa絵文字【Graffiti meet】 I forgot about it’s exisitance絵文字
Then it was wahh~ dreadful絵文字
My face was scribbled on絵文字
and went to wash my face in a fluster絵文字
It was drawn with an oily pen、It couldn’t come off(laughs)
But、after washing my face(This photo was goodー絵文字) and i regretted(-”-;)
So there isn’t any photo of that絵文字
I’ll properly take it next time(;∇;)/~~

But you know絵文字
Today i made the meal
and i took a picture絵文字絵文字

1st picture☆【Graffiti meet】the pen we used(laughs)

2nd picture☆Omelet before cooking絵文字

3rd picture☆Omelet after cooking絵文字

Lets work hard tomorrow too絵文字

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