Nectar ☆ I've been drinking this since I was a schoolkid My favourite, Fujiya Nectar Drinking nectar always makes me feel nostalgic I don't really drink juice much, but I love this stuff, so I drink it a lot "It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say I grew up on nectar I love the taste I just bought three boxes at the supermarket now I'm going to stock up on more soon (^w^)
Honiki! Today I did an all-day location shoot... For an NTV show called "Honiki!" It was raining, but I had a lot of fun The reason is... I got to have a wild time with Joy And with Tanimura Nana We were at a shop in Azabu Juban called "Erakokyuu" It was a really fun shoot, so please be sure to watch the show July 3 1:20 "Honiki!" That's when it's on Okay, now I'll work hard with the little bit left I have to do
Blue Man ☆ Scary (゜∀゜; ノ)ノ B... B... Blue I met the Blue Man Group at the "Honiki!" shoot Yeah, they were really funny And they have a kind of Blue Man loveableness, so they're cute I never got tired of watching them (^w^)
Something that happened yesterday. For some reason, Joy started drawing something on a whiteboard while we were on a break. When I looked closely... It seemed to be a person. And then... Joy: "I finished Yaguchi!" Yeah. It seems he drew a portrait of me. And here it is. See? Isn't that awful? Is that what I look like...? And then... A portrait of Nana. Yeah. The face is the same. I guess the clothes are a little different. So then! Me: "Where's the portrait of you?" J: "Oh! I'm used to drawing self-portraits, so I can draw it easily!" He said that excitedly. And then, this is what he drew. The hair. Five strands. Honestly, it was the least accurate portrait of them all. All three of us together. These three all did a location shoot together yesterday.
Hoshizuna no Shima no Chiisana Tenshi ~ Mermaid Smile ~ This is sudden But the movie that opened today "Hoshizuna no Shima no Chiisana Tenshi ~ Mermaid Smile ~" I actually had a part in it (*^o^*) We did a speedy three-day filming session on the laid-back Taketomi Island in Okinawa The star of the movie is Iida Riho She's a really transparent girl We didn't work together very much, but she happily took a photo with me And then Makita Tetsuya He's so hot I'm so chaichi Oh I got a photo with him in the green room And also My juniors also appear in the movie Maeda Yuuka from S/mileage And Miyamoto Karin Let's just ignore the slight height difference... Yuka has a really imortant part She's a really good actor Miyamoto Karin plays my sister Very cute At the airport on the way home, she instinctively bought me a souvenir Tee hee And then My sister Mikami Masashi Kono Tomomi They were the ones I worked the most with this time Although it was only two days Filming wrapped up as we kept on gossiping together Wow (^∀^) ノ Taketomi Island is a really pretty island, and it relaxed me being there You can even see the charm of Taketomi Island packed into the movie So anyway guys, please watch "Hoshizuna no Shima no Chiisana Tenshi ~ Mermaid Smile ~" ( ̄∀ ̄) Next time I'm there, I wanna get into the sea...
Oh, oh... It's already so late... That was a fast day Today I was taping for NTV's... "Gyouretsu no Dekiru Houritsu Soudanjo" (^∀^) ノ I was laughing a lot (≧∇≦) It's Father's Day today, so how are you guys all spending it?
Father's Day ☆ Our family of four had okonomiyaki together And then, I gave my father a wallet and a figure of Schwarzenegger as The Terminator He was so happy I'm glad (≧∇≦)
Easy ☆ I got something that everyone's been talking about Proactiv It's that time of year... UV rays, exposed skin... You have to really protect yourself And the way you use it... Three steps: Cleanser, toner, and cream... It's just like normal a skincare routine, so it's really easy To protect against any skin troubles... I tried it out right away. And it felt really good And also There's a special promotion on now... So I got a kewpie doll with it C... C... Cute It works as a container To find out more... Go here on your computer And here on your phone You can check it out there We can all have matching ones
Yay ☆ Today We taped "Aimaina (^∀^) ノ We talked a lot I'm hungry, so I have no energy...
Good morning ☆ zZZ... Cock-a-doodle-doo (ρд-)。 оΟ Oh Good morning
Dormant photos ☆ These are some photos that have been resting on my phone that I've been wanting to post, but didn't want to spoil some TV shows with. I decided that I'd post them later on, so here they are today They're all unrelated to each other, but please enjoy these random events First... #1 From the recently aired "(Nandemo Zukan)", a pony that was being raised indoors I was amazed that it even sleeps with Hamaguchi It was a really smart pony Maybe... smarter than me (゜∀゜; ノ)ノ Next up... #2 Me with the flowers we received for our 13th anniversary concert So many people sent them Like Gekidan Hitori Thank you very much m(_ _)m Next... #3 Some presents I got that day From the fans, and from the staff there, of course they gave me alcohol I got lots of different kinds of shochu, sake, wine, and champagne I still have them all, decorating my house Oh I did drink one bottle (lol) (^w^) And then, and then... #4 For the song... Composed by Kei-chan... Written by me... "Kimi ni Todoke" A photo with the one who did the arrangement, K. Ando from Caramel Pod, and the violinist, Nakayama (*^o^*) They worked with the two of us who kept on unreasonably saying we wanted "Kimi ni Todoke" to come out on CD someday I'm grateful I was moved by how beautiful the final arrangement was, I wanted to go record it right away! Guys And then, there's this guy... #5 Once again The new song we debuted at our recent concert, "Happy" Composed by Kei-chan... Written by me... A photo with the one who did the arrangement, Takarot "Happy" is a wedding song excitingly arranged with lots of cute sounds in it It came out as a song I'd like to sing at a wedding ceremony (*^o^*) I want everybody to hear "Happy" too So anyway, I still have more photos... To be continued... ( ̄∀ ̄)
Day off ☆ I had the day off today, so I got my hair retouched and coloured at ZACC The colour is a little bit orange Getting my hair made pretty makes me happy (*^o^*) Heh heh... And then, I went shopping at Labi Looking at home electronics is fun (≧∇≦) Well... I'm worn out from all that walking around But, it's time to go ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛
Dormant photos 2 ☆ #6 When I went out to play... I ran into Hancock So big And she's just so stylish I'm jealous... (cry) (ρ_;) #7 It's Bon The photo is a bit blurry, since he was spinning around... But it's Bon Thank you for touching our hearts #8 Another concert photo The whole How to Monkey Baby team came to see us I'm so happy Everyone was wearing matching concert t-shirts But Tani, the guy in the middle, was left unhappy because there weren't any in his size (lol) (≧∇≦) #9 I was in shock when I found one piece of that 950-piece One Piece puzzle was missing, but when I sent the company a postcard, they mailed me back a piece Yaaaay o(`▽´)o I was so excited that I could use it to finish the puzzle, so I went to put it in right away... Oh It doesn't fit The note that come with it said "It may not fit perfectly"... Hm. "May", huh... "May"... Hm, "may"... No "may" about it... (・ _・;) I didn't have any choice, so I forced it in. The piece got bent... Failure to ignite. #10 A while back, I was on an animal show, and I met this guy in a place where you could go to look for lots of baby puppies He's falling asleep on my lap... Wow ( So now I've posted some of those photos that have been lying dormant Okay, until next time (*^o^*)
Let's get moving! Today we taped Seishun Real, and now I'm on the move (*^o^*) Oh Today At 19:00... Be sure to watch the three-hour Hexagon Special ( ̄∀ ̄)
24-Hour Relay ☆ It was announced on yesterday's three-hour Hexagon Special, but I'll tell you again here! On this year's "FNS 26-Hour TV"... I'll be taking part in a 24-hour relay! We'll be running a total of 200k, so it's going to be a tough challenge! The members are... Tsuruno Kamiji Fujimon Shouji Kojima Sakimon Hata Shin-chan Mai-chan misono Yaguchi Obviously... I'll be slowing them down... I'm not athletic... I've never run more than 5k in my life... (cry) Really, 5k is my limit. Running is my biggest weakness... So for me to try such a long distance... Up until now, I've always bravely gone for any challenge, but this time... I just kept seriously thinking over and over... "I really can't do this..." But... Ever since I was chosen... I've just had to give it my all! Actually... I've been training for the past two months... When I had some free time, I went to the gym and did nothing but run! I've slowly been able to work my way up to longer distances! I'm getting better, slowly. Recently, we all went on a daytrip to Miyako Island for a training retreat! The air was clean on Miyako Island, and the scenery and feeling was great... But the heat... Well, it was hot... Fighting against the sun... Almost in tears from the harsh conditions... Pouring water over myself... By this point, my heart was about to break. I didn't know running in the heat was so brutal... My makeup was completely ruined, my body was soaking wet from pouring water over myself, my legs were at their limit, and I hurt so much that I couldn't even make myself walk. Just one month to go before the race. I don't know if I'll make it in time. I'm worried. And... Actually... Since there's one month to go, starting today! There's one more challenge for me! Until the race is over... No drinking! Noooooo... That's a pretty tough challenge for me, since I drink nearly every day! But I need to do it until the run is over. I'll do my best! A woman can't break her word! Guys! This is a pretty tough challenge... But all the Hexagon members well be running with all our might! And I'll do my best to be able to hand the baton off to the next person! So guys! Please lend me your power! If you cheer for me on the day, you'll really give me power! There's one month to go before the race, so I'll train hard! Please watch over me! After our run, our faces look bright. But our bodies are broken...
Tuxedo ☆ Today I have a job in Nagoya Ta da In a tuxedo Tokai TV's "Saiko no Dendou" That's what we're taping I think this may be my first time in a tuxedo (^w^) Heh heh... I have chicken wings from Yama-chan, so my stomach is completely ready, too I'll do my best (^∀^) ノ
Victory! I'm... Tired (ρд-)zZZ I've pretty much been up all night I mean, even though I was suppposed to get up at 7:00 this morning... Actually... I wanted to watch the World Cup game between Japan and Denmark... Which was on between 3:00 and 5:30 Yeah, but Japan really was amazing It was an exciting match, even for a soccer newbie like me At first I was rubbing my tired eyes and watching in a daze, but the moment Honda scored that first goal, I woke up immediately, and my eyes were fixed to the TV The end result 3 - 1 Japan won Congratulations Well played, guys Please take it easy until your next match I'm just a newbie, but I'll cheer hard for you next time, too Okay Time to go work hard again today (≧∇≦)
Piramekino ☆ Today I did an episode Of the popular TV Tokyo show... "Piramekino" (^∀^) ノ Here's how I spent my time while I was wating to go on Sitting alone... And in such a cute room (^w^) But... Hannya And Fruit Punch They really are such nice people I can understand why they're so popular Seeing them made me realise I need to be like them (≧∇≦) Okay Tonight I'm going to go see a play So until then, I'll have a nap (-.-)zzZ
I ran ☆ This morning, I went running with Satoda Maichin Tired Worn out Tired Worn out Tired Worn out While that keeps going through my head... I'll be taping an episode of Hexagon today I'll do my best (^∀^) ノ
That was fun ☆ Things got wild Today's Hexagon shoot was another fun one Kujiken was so funny, my stomach hurt from laughing so much (≧∇≦) Sigh... I hope they air it soon I want you guys to see Kujiken I'll be checking it out when it airs too (^w^) I love Kujiken
Goro Atami Ichiza ☆ The play I went to yesterday It was by... Goro Atami Ichiza "Otoko to Onna to Uwatsuita Idenshi" (*^o^*) A couple of guys I always work with Miyake Yuji And Watanabe Masayuki Someone I did a play with a long time ago Shunputei Shota Someone I've been on a lot of variety shows with AzuMax And the heroine, Mizuno Maki Ogura Hisahiro Kawamoto Chiaki Seeing the amazing tempo of all these major senpai of mine up on stage was so hilarious I was laughing so loudly, they kept glancing at me That was embarrassing Anyway, after seeing that play that I couldn't stop laughing at, I was feeling really happy Thank you very much I really recommend that play You guys should definitely check it out (^∀^) ノ
Steaming... Look, look I took this photo just after I'd been to the gym The lens fogged up from all the steam coming off me (lol) (^w^)
Chilling out ☆ I'm just relaxing, watching TV ( ̄∀ ̄) And sitting on my legs is An even more relaxed Cookie Cookie, who won't let me take a photo of him from the front It's blurry. (-.-;)
Vidal Sassoon ☆ I just learnt about this from Ameba If you buy Vidal Sassoon right now You can get free rainwear goods from Patricia Field. They have cute things like this First, an umbrella It's a stylish umbrella Next, a bag You could fit a lot inside And it's really, really cute Both of these are must-have items for this season Here's the application form You need a receipt from the month of June. So you'll need to hurry The details are here Of course I've got the Vidal Sassoon shampoo, conditioner, and so on... When I use it all on my hair... It feels good
In Chinatown ☆ Today, I had a meeting at the office I did an episode of NHK's "Wonder x Wonder" Hit the road Got to Yokohama's Chinatown And did a location shoot with Iida Kaorin For TBS' "Ore-tachi! Quiz Man" (^∀^) ノ Such a nice atmosphere... We ate a lot Yeah It was good Plus, being in my hometown of Yokohama was exciting (≧∇≦) Guys Yokohama's Chinatown is a fun and delicious place Check it out (*^o^*)
Ready, and... Tiiiiiiiired.... deluxe. I got up at 5:30. It's raining today. I wonder... What's going to happen with today's outdoor filming? It's not like a field trip or a sports festival that can be cancelled due to rain. I wonder what we'll do. Anyway, with this early morning rain, I'm in a low energy mood. Just typing this in now... I'm showing something you almost never see from me... A blank expression (lol) (・_・) |
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Yaguchi Mari Official Blog: Translations 2010.06.18 - 2010.06.29
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