Chinen Yuri
Even though chi-chan is cute, his cuteness is entirely different from yama-chan's cuteness! He's as cute as a squrriel! {laugh}
He really loves being spoilt! At times when he comes running to me to sit on my lap, I'll think, "ahhh,he's still a kid,ne~"
He loves gyoza more than anything! {laugh} Out of the whole group, i guess he's the one that's the most spoilt,ne~!
He's really a genius! Excellent at dancing and singing, it would be the end of our group without him!
Chinen's comments on..
[Ultra Music Power reaching #1 on Oricon Charts]
Well, Hey!Say!7 also achieved #1, but the feeling now is different from the last time. I had silently wished in my heart that we would be number one, so when it came true, I was really happy!
[Hey!Say!JUMP debut concert]
To tell you the truth, the thought of holding a concert in Tokyo Dome is quite unimaginable...{laugh}
However, I am so happy, I couldn't be any happier! I hope that our whole group can express what they truly feel during the concert. I am best at acrobatics! Everyone, please pay attention (to me) when I am doing acrobatics!
[Chinen's News]
My birthday has already passed (11th Nov)! That day, I had cake with everyone.Surprisingly, I received gyoza from the staff! {laugh} Keito also gave me a present. It was an electronic toy dog that could play music, with the speakers designed as its nose. I had previously wanted this, so I am really happy!
[2008 Message]
If we were to release an album, and if it were to reach #1 again, it would be enough. For me.. i would like to go to that theme park again!
Nakajima Yuto
"He's cheerful. Yuto has the most energy, is constantly cheerful and is able to make everyone happy!"
"He's always very playful, and he teases me as well. However, he has never-ending energy/vitality!"
"Yuto is 80% like an adult, he is always responsible, no matter what he does. But, 20% of him is still like a little kid!"
"He looks as if he has matured, but actually he's just a little kid. {laugh} But he really leads Hey!Say!7 well!
Yuto's comments on...
[Ultra Music Power reaching #1 on Oricon Charts]
I am overjoyed! However, besides the joy, I am really grateful too! I am indebted to everyone who has looked after me. By working hard, we reached #1 on the Oricon charts, and I am really, really grateful!
[Hey!Say!JUMP debut concert]
I would like everyone present at Tokyo Dome to have a "thank-god-i-came-for-this-event" kind of feeling after the concert. During the time where we have our solos, you will be able to see the differences of our personalities.
With vitality and enthusiasm, I hope we can go "high" with our fans!
[Yuto's News]
Recently, my dreams almost always have to do with volleyball. while having a game of volleyball with the members of the female volleyball team, somehow Takeshita-san always laughs at me. Also, while playing volleyball, sometimes I envision myself playing on an ice-skating rink! {laugh} Why is this so??
Yesterday, I had a dream. I was in one of the large rooms of the Fuji Television Station, and during mealtime, I was sitting beside Sakurai kun while eating! {laugh} I guess it's because of my love for volleyball that I dream about it so much~!
(note: by Sakurai kun,Yuto is referring to Sho Sakurai of Arashi)
[2008 Message]
2008 will be arriving soon! {laugh} We will work hard, so that we can spread our wings and soar!
Yamada Ryosuke
He's very cute! Even though we are both the same age, he's still really cute! {laugh}
Yama chan is really cute! Especially his expression when he just wakes up from a nap! *hides* {laugh}
At first, I thought that Yamada was a cold person, but that was not the case! {laugh} He's a really cheerful person!
He's usually cheerful, and will occasionally crack american-style jokes. {laugh} He's the type that 'creates' the atmosphere!
Yamada's comments on...
[Ultra Music Power reaching #1 on Oricon Charts]
If I were to use one word to describe it, the word would be 'overjoyed'! We only knew of this at the volleyball support event, and everyone went "Woahh~!" and made a lot of noise!
[Hey!Say!JUMP debut concert]
Even though I'll feel nervous at first, I'm sure my nervousness will disappear when i stand on stage and hear the cheers (of my fans)! Knowing how many people support us gives us the energy to perform! To thank our supportive fans, we will put on out best performance!
[Yamada's News]
Recently, I had a new handphone headset. I was not familiar with it, and its amazing functions shocked me! I'm a person whose not good with electronics.. its because I'm still young! {laugh} This is why Arioka kun is teaching me the proper way to use it. And! I will be in a new drama, One Pound Gospel, which will be starting in January! The personality of my character,Katsumi, and Tantei Gakuen Q's Ryuu is very different. I hope this drama will let the viewers see a new side of me!
[2008 Message]
This year (2007) was be Hey! Say! JUMP's first JUMP, but 2008 will be "even bigger of a JUMP'! And the year after next will be "an even bigger JUMP"! {laugh} I fully believe that we can all JUMP, and grow little by little.
Morimoto Ryutaro
Even though he always clowns around, he's very cute. I guess it's because we used to quarrel a lot, ma~! {laugh} But he carries out great responsibility while at work! Work harder, ne?
He's like a little bratty brother, frequently losing his temper. {laugh} If he's not fighting, he's always teasing someone.
Very interesting. I don't know why he calls himself a 'selfish little monster' though.. {laugh}
Even though he is young, he is very mature. Ryutaro always teaches me to be positive! {laugh}
[Ultra Music Power reaching #1 on Oricon Charts]
I am very happy that my dream has become a reality. Listening to my fans and family saying "Congratulations!!" makes me feel really lucky. However, I don't think I should be contented yet. I have to continue working hard!
[Hey!Say!JUMP debut concert]
I'll be very nervous. However, once I step on the stage, with a "pa~!" (sound), I shall put my hands together to pray. After that, I will immediately feel calm and energized. I hope that our [erformance will really bring up the atmosphere and heat things up at Tokyo Dome!
[Ryutaro's News]
I must take note of the way I talk! Whenever I'm on television programs or at concerts, I always have this "How can I say this better?" kind of feeling. My goal is to be like Arashi's Sakurai kun! In my eyes, I feel that Sakurai kun is really too awesome!
[2008 Message]
In 2007, there I had many music (JE) activities, as well as the drama shooting to attend to, so I was very busy. In 2008, I have to make spend more time with my family members. Hopefully, we'll have a happy year! Being in Hey! Say! JUMP, I hope that we can work better together!
Okamoto Keito
He's really silly and shallow-minded. {laugh} As long as he is around, interesting things will happen! He has this 'special' ability! {laugh}
He's really an airhead , and daydreams a lot. I just want to ask, are you alright? Recently, you've not been acting yourself.
Really cute and carefree. A little silly, but when he talks, he is really serious. He's really a strange person!
He's a strange person. {laugh} He's the calmest in Hey! Say! 7, which attracts a lot of attention!
Keito's thoughts on...
[Ultra Music Power reaching #1 on Oricon Charts]
My first thought was: how awesome! I never would have thought we'd get #1. But whenever I'm in the streets, listening to 『Ultra Music Power』 , I would really feel the message of volleyball support being carried out. Ah, I would want to play volleyball! The female volleyball team is really good. However, after watching the men's volleyball matches, I really feel that they have a formidable victory!
[Hey!Say!JUMP debut concert]
The last time I went to Tokyo Dome was for an Arashi Concert, and until now I still remember the huge Dome and the large amount of fans there. This time, once I think of our fans being at Tokyo Dome for our concert, I feel especially happy! The stage will be very bright and pretty, so I hope everyone pays close attention!
[Keito's News]
Recently, I've developed a liking for warm black tea,especially imperial tea with milk. At this point in time, the weather is very cold, so after drinking the tea I'll feel nice and warm.
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