Sunday 16 May 2010

Jun Jun Blog Translation 'Scene'

At today’s rehearsal ~[2010.5.15]画面..

Aika senpai brought us delicious black sugar flavoured rusk~

And it’s made by Aika’s mum~[2010.5.15]画面..

It’s very delicious~!..

Thank you Aika’s mama~..[2010.5.15]画面..

Aika senpai and JunJun are both 8th Gen member..

In terms of age…though she is the youngest in Morning Musume..

she is most sensible one out of the group..[2010.5.15]画面..

The best example to show is..

Aika senpai will let everyone choose the bento they wanted first..

Generally around this time JunJun has already joined in to choose the one I like..Hehe..[2010.5.15]画面..

Although I am a few years older than Aika senpai

most of the time is Aika senpai giving me advises and coaching

especially for the usage of Keigo..(*^__^*) [laugh]

*Keigo is a respectful language use to talk to seniors, people older than your age, your boss , etc…*

Aika senpai is JunJun’s personal translator {I think!}.{everyone think?!}[2010.5.15]画面..

Whenever JunJun is nervous or need to speak out problems, I will speak very fast and strange Japanese terms will appear..

At such situation everyone will be full of question marks..

only Aika senpai is exclamation mark! She can understand JunJun’s meaning..

and will translate out to others..

At the time I felt that Aika senpai is my saviour~! [2010.5.15]画面..


So..~ until now

whenever JunJun can’t express myself well Aika senpai will come to my aid on time..[2010.5.15]画面..


JunJun’s bento is fried chicken~><

There will be shooting early tomorrow morning~

Need to rest early..

JunJun will do my best!~!^_^[2010.5.15]画面..

Uploaded 3 pictures taken from internet drama [梦归所梦] episode 1~

Fashion Xiao Lian!?//

Please do look forward for the release of episode 2 on 7 July..

It will be a different Xiao Lian!~[2010.5.15]画面..

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