Tuesday 25 May 2010

Jun Jun Blog Translation 'Oversensitive >.<..'

JunJun in checkers<..">

Weather turns out fine..finally there’s summer feel..


These 2 days skin became sensitive



face have little red dots. though its not very visible..><


JunJun will become sad when sensitive skin issue arises

and even will hate mirror and pictures ..

Niigaki senpai said usually in this situation the mood will become worse..

cool down..cool down..<..">

still look very cute!~><>

Today morning with Kamei senpai and Aika senpai for some recording..

it’s a program that can be seen from internet<..">

It’s call [Pocky R☆NKINGパラダイス]

It will be air on 2May and 9 May[Pocky R☆NKINGパラダイス]

remember to watch~!o(∩_∩)o…

continuing with the play…<..">


feeding time <..">

black and white combi<..">

Pervert JunJun?!<.."> heihei//

Sleep together<..">

8 nin musume with love.<..">

ps’ hope it recover fast

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