Monday 17 May 2010

Jun Jun Blog Translation 'Comming ~~'

Reached home~>>


Today’s shooting is over~><

Details temporary confidental..

(*^__^*) ……[2010.5.16]来咯~

Today’s room us like a hotel’s room..

divided into 3 small resting rooms

Tanaka senpai..Aika senpai. JunJun are in the same room[2010.5.16]来咯~

As it’s in a hotel…

it feels the same like having a holiday…

but the actual fact is work..[2010.5.16]来咯~

The 3 people during lunch time~..[2010.5.16]来咯~

In the middle the waiting is longer~..

JunJun bounced to Ai senpai and LinLin’s room

the 3 of us watched the DVD that Ai senpai brought and dances K-POP[2010.5.16]来咯~

This is the common fun moment for the 3 of us while waiting..[laugh]

3 of us from HIGH to tired~[2010.5.16]来咯~

Being discovered that the 3 of us were being photographed secretly~[2010.5.16]来咯~

Dinner..fried fish~

* Sorry ! This pic seems to have error to display on my laptop… I’ll give it a miss…*

It’s very delicious><..[2010.5.16]来咯~

PS’ SMG 上海外语频道(ICS)的[音乐物语]

Did everyone watched…

JunJun watched it..

(*^__^*) did it surprise everyone?…

Tomorrow will be early as well ><….


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